The Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Media unanimously adopted the BTA report for 2023.

by times news cr

Summary of Bulgarian Telegraph Agency Report (2023)


​BTA celebrated its 125th ‌anniversary with free ⁣access ‌to archival materials.
News reach⁢ has⁤ increased significantly compared to 2021.
The agency has implemented two rules to ensure transparency and accountability: clear ⁢source attribution​ and no grades.


​BTA has a detailed code of ethics to ensure accurate ​and reliable information.
The agency has ⁤stopped using anonymous sources.
Over 23,000 press releases were published ⁣in 2023.


BTA created eight new thematic​ sections in 2023 to cover current events and ⁤diverse⁣ topics.
Seven new‍ national press clubs‌ were‍ opened across the country.
Coverage of major sporting events has been‌ restored.


BTA aims to connect Bulgarians worldwide through press clubs in various cities.
The agency hosted‍ the 18th World Meeting of the Bulgarian Media.


BTA has digitized its archives from⁢ 1898 to 1963.
The agency is working on ‌a project to renovate⁤ and digitize its building.

Additional Highlights:

The agency has increased its Facebook followers threefold.
Salaries for journalists and correspondents have ​increased⁤ by⁢ 63% since 2021.
BTA is​ praised for its independence and professionalism.

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