The parliamentary groups prepare the next debate on the state of autonomy for October 9

by time news

2023-09-18 14:33:00

Image of a debate on the state of previous autonomy PACO RODRGUEZ

It will be Alfonso Rueda’s first as president of the Xunta and the last before the next regional elections.

18 sep 2023 . Updated at 5:06 p.m.

The Xunta wants hold the debate on the state of autonomy starting Monday, October 9. The date will have to be endorsed by Parliament, but the Chamber groups are already working with that date, preparing what will be the first Galician general policy debate with Alfonso Rueda as president of the autonomous community, and the last one before the next autonomous elections.

Both BNG and PSdeG are already studying their interventions, as the vice spokespersons for the opposition parliamentary groups have recognized in the respective press conferences they offered this Monday at the Pazo do Hrreo.

On the part of the Block, Luis Bar point that the celebration of the debate a topic that will set the agenda for the coming weeks, and that their training is already working on the preparation of that appointment, although they will not detail the specific proposals until the date is closer. I know that the intervention of the leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón, will go in two directions: on the one hand, a criticism of the balance of the PP governments in Galiciawhich leave a country worse, and on the other, put proposals on the table.

For its part, Julio Torradoof the PSdeG, indicated that the intention of his group in the debate on the state of autonomy will be make him see Alfonso Rueda than the president of Galicia, because he didn’t find out. It gives the impression, he said, that presiding over the Xunta is an obligation that the popular people do not like. The socialists also aspire to, on the one hand, put the focus on relevance of Galicia in the State as a wholeand on the other hand, also put it in the specific issues that affect the daily lives of Galicians, such as the situation of public services.

From the PPdeG, the spokesperson for the parliamentary group, Alberto Pazosdefended that they continue preparing the general policy debate, in a sample of political normality, having in the background Rueda’s first year as president and in a situation of privilege that contrasts with the state situation. Pazos indicated that this appointment will be the prelude to the Xunta’s budgets for 2024, which are already in the preparation phase and are also a sign of political stability.

With the requested start date, and if the usual parliamentary script is followed, the debate on the state of autonomy would open on October 9 with the intervention of the president of the Xunta, after which the two opposition spokespersons would intervene. On Tuesday, October 10, there would be no parliamentary session, as it would be the day for political groups to present their proposed resolutions, and on Wednesday the 11th, the debate and voting on these initiatives would resume.

The PSdeG sees in the election of Besteiro as spokesperson in the debate on co-official languages ​​a show of support from Sánchez

The presence of the acting President of the Government at the socialist party on Sunday in Oroso also stands out as support for the PSdeG.

The voice

The vice spokesperson of the PSdeG parliamentary group, Julio Torradoclaimed this Monday the support of the acting president of the GovernmentPedro Sánchez, to the Galician federation of the party, staged with his presence at the Socialist Feast held on Sunday in Oroso, and also with the election of Lugo deputy José Ramón Gómez Besteiro to defend the socialist position on co-official languages ​​in Congress.

Mr. Besteiro is going to represent Galicia better than Rueda, Torrado stated in a press conference in Parliament, in which he questioned the leadership of the current president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, pointing out that no one is aware of whether he presides over Galicia. or he limits himself to receiving instructions by WhatsApp from the PP headquarters in Madrid. Follow behind (Rueda) the Galicia Bilinge banner, the socialist has accused.

Despite having highlighted that the PSOE has chosen Besteiro to defend in Congress the initiative on the use of co-official languages, Torrado He did not want to assess whether this election represents a reinforcement of the Lugo native as a hypothetical candidate for the Galician socialists. in the next autonomous elections.

Sample of submission for the PPdeG

For his part, the spokesperson for the PPdeG parliamentary group, Alberto PazosHe viewed the election of the person who was until recently Delegate of the Government in Galicia in a negative way. Pazosconsiders that both BNG and PSdeG have a generalized confusion about the issues that interest Galicians for his defense of the use of co-official languages ​​in Congress. However, while he recognized a position consistent with what has been maintained to date to the nationalists, he attributed incoherence to the socialists by supporting partisan necessity –that of obtaining the support of the nationalists for Sánchez’s investiture– what they did not see possible before.

In that sense, he criticized Besteiro’s choice to intervene in the Chamber and justify Sánchez’s rectification and give in to the independence movement. And he added that the Galician socialist have plenty of experience in being submissive.

Filed in: Xunta de Galicia BNG PSdeG

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