The passage of the increase by a majority of 61 was passed in preliminary reading. Lapid: “Yariv Levin is the real prime minister”

by time news
Lapid Lelevin: Don’t confuse our brains! You are the real prime minister!Knesset channel

The Knesset plenum approved at noon (Wednesday) in a preliminary reading the passage of MK Simcha Rotman’s empowerment, which is promoted as part of the judicial reform.

The proposal was supported by 62 Knesset members against 51 opponents, and it will be forwarded to the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee for discussion.

Rothman explained that this is a law similar to the one he proposed in the committee, and it was submitted in accordance with the opinion of the Knesset’s Speaker. Readings with a majority of 61 – then the law will become permanent,” he said. “We have created a mechanism that will make it difficult to overcome. It will not be possible to influence the elections.”

The head of the opposition and chairman of Yesh Atid Yair Lapid said in the Knesset plenum: “I want to appeal to the real Prime Minister Yariv Levin, since you really run this government, you have to remember that with power comes responsibility – and half a year from now when the Israeli economy will be crushed, another half a year when the state Start dismantling citizens from the inside.

”It will be on your head, because you are the real prime minister. It will be on your head because you preferred to let this country fall apart just to change the composition of the committee for the appointment of judges that you dreamed of joining all your life. Don’t mess with our brains by talking while you pass the law. You are passing it now, what conversation are you talking about? Enough with the lie,” said Lapid.

Lapid Lelevin: Don’t confuse our brains! You are the real prime minister!Knesset channel

Earlier, the Knesset plenum approved in a preliminary reading the “Deri Law 2”, which seeks to prevent the Supreme Court from expressing judicial criticism of the appointment of ministers and thus pave the path of Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri to the government table once again.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin announced that the government supports the bill submitted by a number of Knesset members – led by coalition chairman Ofir Katz. In many ways it is the opposite of democracy,” said Levin. “The democratic concept cannot be consistent with the fact that the last word is not in this building – but in the Supreme Court.”

According to Levin, “The Prime Minister is the supreme person responsible for managing the affairs of the state and the government. He is the one who ultimately has to give an account to the public. He is the one who ultimately has to give an account to the public. He is the one who has to make the difficult decisions many times in real time, and And they tell him – ‘Sir, we will decide who will be this or that minister’. This is an unacceptable situation.”

MK Gideon Sa’ar said that “the purpose of the law is to create a homeless person. They started out of reasonableness – and now they are coming to cancel all the intervention of public law. This thing does not deserve to be called a law. It is radically against the rule of law. A law is meant to establish rules and you want to establish that there will be no rules. It would be better if the law was called ‘Deri will be minister in Ras, the son of his mother’. This is an extreme example of misuse of the constituent authority.”

According to Sa’ar, “What is being done here is a solution to a personal problem of a certain person who was banned from being a minister. There is a vivid example of the Knesset’s lack of restraint, which misuses authority. It uses narrow political considerations and personal interests. There is nothing worse than this. This is personal legislation. A huge majority of the public opposes this law, shame on you.”

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