The passport of admission to HEIs – 2024-07-06 15:56:58

by times news cr

2024-07-06 15:56:58

What do the scores of Panhellenic show about the trend of bases

8 secures a passport to Greek higher education. Yesterday’s announcement by the Ministry of Education of the grades for the 90,416 candidates showed that the Minimum Admission Base (MBA) has stabilized at just above 8 after 2021, the first year of its implementation. Specifically, this year it is estimated that the lowest admission threshold will be 8.34 in the scientific field of Economics and IT. Of course, the Minimum Entry Basis varies by scientific field, as do the trends of entry bases. At the same time, due to EBE, not a few of the total 68,851 places in the universities will remain vacant, to which will be added those of the Military and Police Schools and the Academies of the Fire Service, the Merchant Navy and the Coast Guard.

This year’s number of candidates increased compared to last year, 90,416 compared to 88,570 in 2023. Of these, 74,847 graduated from General High School and 15,569 from Vocational. This year Modern Greek Language of General Education – the common subject for all orientation groups – pushes up the admission bases, since the performance is better than in 2022. The percentages of candidates who wrote above 18 in Modern Greek Language and Literature are better ( almost double) in all four scientific fields. Accordingly, fewer candidates scored below 10. However, apart from the subject common to all candidates, the bases for admission to HEIs of each scientific field are differentiated according to performance in the other three subjects considered.

In particular, in Modern Greek Language and Literature, a compulsory course for all candidates, this year the percentage of excellent performances was a little lower than last year. Assessors reported to K that students struggled with the theme of the Exposition – it asked candidates to express their substantiated opinion on the value of travel as a means by which man can develop internally and seek happiness – but not with the grammatical observations. However, in addition to the course common to all candidates, the bases for admission to HEIs of each scientific field are differentiated according to performance in the other three subjects examined.

The forecasts
Specifically, based on the processing of the grade performance data by the mathematician-analyst Stratos Stratigakis, the following are foreseen per scientific field:

• 1st scientific field (humanities and social sciences): In general the performances are a little worse than in 2023, mainly in History and less in Latin. Instead, they are at the same levels in Language and Ancient. However, there is a large reduction – a little over 50% – of excellent writings in Ancient. Thus, it is estimated that there will be a downward trend in the sought-after faculties (law, philology) which will move around 100 points, which will be greater in the middle and low-ranking faculties. The minimum admission basis in the faculties and departments of the field will range from 9.1 or the lowest to 13.64 or the highest (the value of the EBE also depends on the coefficient decided by each department for its formation).

This year it is estimated that the lowest threshold for admission to higher education will be 8.34 in the scientific field of Economics and Informatics.

• 2nd field (positive and technological sciences): On the scale above 18 there is a large decrease in performance in three of the four subjects (ie, except Chemistry). This causes a build-up of performance in the middle grade scales, while overall averages in the two core subjects of the field (Physics and Mathematics) are lower than last year. Thus, a drop in the bases is expected, which will start from 300 points in the top schools and will increase. In schools with an admission base of 12 and below, it is estimated that the decline will contribute to the decrease in the number of candidates in the field. The EBE in the field’s schools and departments will range from a low of 9.69 to a high of 14.53.

• 3rd field (health and life studies): Physics is for the second year the unpleasant surprise of the field. The average in the course from 9.97 in 2023 (for the first time below 10), this year reached 8.66. On the contrary, the candidates in Chemistry and Biology did better than last year. Thus, stability is expected in the sought-after Medicine and small fluctuations in the other schools. The EBE of the field will move from 9.57 low to 14.35 high.

• 4th field (economics and informatics): The general picture of the performances is stable compared to those of 2023. Of course there are fluctuations per rating scale and subject. However, this year there are significantly more achievers in the crucial Economics subject, in which the average has improved. Thus, the estimate is that there will be a small increase in admission bases across the range of grade levels. The EBE of the field will move from 8.34 – the lowest of all scientific fields – to 12.54.

Read the estimates of Mr. Stratigakis for the Minimum Entry Basis of all departments HERE.

Humanities gain admissions
Do the theoretical sciences resist and fight back? Although in recent years faculties such as philology, archaeology, history, sociology, which are included in the field of humanities and social sciences, attracted fewer and fewer 18-year-olds due to low professional prospects, this year the number of candidates for these faculties increased. It is the second year in a row that an increase has been recorded, after the very good number of entries in 2021. Conversely, most candidates now choose the scientific field of Economics and Management, which has schools with good career prospects, while its examined courses are considered easier than the rest of the fields .

In particular, based on the data of the Ministry of Education, this year the 1st scientific field – the humanities and social sciences – was chosen and finally examined by 20,132 General High School candidates. (The number is lower than the field reported, as not everyone takes the exam.) Last year the corresponding number was 18,982. There is therefore a small recovery of interest, after the “plunge” that took place in 2022. Then they chose the 1st scientific field and 18,405 candidates appeared for the exams, with the number decreasing greatly from the 22,825 candidates of 2021.

Of course, the big winners in recent years are the Economics and IT schools. In 2021, 24,469 candidates chose them, in 2022 25,190, in 2023 26,678 and this year 27,308 candidates. The trend is increasing. For this reason, in fact, university professors of low-demand departments are asking the Ministry of Education to include their departments in the field of Economics and Information Technology, so that they have a greater chance of being selected by a candidate, and therefore have no vacant positions. Similar pressures are exerted by the local actors of cities with low demand sections, for obvious reasons, since students strengthen the local economy.

The computer
Candidates can now fill out their electronic form. The submission deadline will start next week and end in mid-July. Last year the deadline started on July 7th and ended on July 17th. Candidates, using their personal security code (password) that they have already acquired or will acquire these days, will be able to visit the electronic address and choose the computerized card for admission to higher education or the parallel computerized card for admission to public IEK.

Finally, the import bases are expected to be announced in the last days of July.


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