The past and future of dance intersect to celebrate El Rojas’ 40th anniversary | From Wednesday 31st – 2024-07-30 03:01:00

by times news cr

2024-07-30 03:01:00

He Ricardo Rojas Cultural Centerdependent on the University of Buenos Aires, celebrates four decades of life this year and uninterrupted activity and, since last May, has been celebrating the anniversary with activities that recover milestones, artists and special moments in the history of the emblematic space of Currents 2038 projecting them into the future. From the end of July and during August, it is the turn of the danza with a menu of shows and performances which will take up practically the entire building, in addition to a round table and the Recognition of outstanding figures.

The opening will be on Wednesday, July 31 at 8:00 p.m.: Brenda Angiel, Adriana Barenstein, Alejandro Cervera, Roxana Grinstein, Silvina Szperling and Susana Szperling They are going to meet in a Roundtable discussion on “Dance and its intersections”in the Batato Barea hall, with free admission. They are all renowned creators who throughout their careers have articulated dance with other languages ​​such as theatre, acrobatics, cinema, video art and opera. A little while before, at 6 pm, in the hall and on the mezzanine, there will be contemporary dance and dance-theater performances in recognition of Barenstein and Cervera, who at different times at Rojas programmed, taught and organized activities in the Dance area.

Disappear, by Alejandro Wilkinson.

Then, from Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th Augustwill take place on ROJASDANZA.40 festivalcurated by Cervera, with proposals with free admission and others at $4,500. “I couldn’t control myself and we ended up inviting more than just four choreographers, which was the initial idea, and making crossovers with choreographers who are historic and, for example, with a university company like the one from UNA. I was interested in inviting teachers from Rojas as well because the dance courses have always been a very important pillar in the center. That’s why there are works in which Rhea Volij, Susana Szperling and Liza Taylor dance,” Cervera comments to Page 12. The choreographer, who has just presented during the winter holidays Colin y Colette At the Teatro Colón, a show for kids about opera The village fortune teller Jean-Jacques Rousseau says that he also had the luxury of inviting “a very interesting artist like Alejo Wilkinson, who develops work of great beauty with papers, materials and bodies on stage.”

He also programmed Mayra Bonard (an artist with a production marked by a very high physical energy, by eroticism and experimentation), Maria Jose Goldin (a reference for local dance since the 1980s), Adriana Barenstein (founder of the UBA Dance Theater Group) already Roxana Grinstein“who will present a performance conference on one of her works.” And she brought together emblematic choreographers such as Teresa Duggan, Daniela Lieban and also to Fernando Noy“an icon that exceeds the limits of literature, dance, theater: an artistic being in itself.” He says that this festival is a way of “planting a flag, of showing that despite all the limitations and crises, in Rojas, in the city of Buenos Aires and in the interior of the country, dance artists continue to produce.”

The Waves of Memory, by María José Goldín.

He August 7th At 7pm in the Batato Barea room will be presented I want to be yourselfa choreography of Carlos Casella performed by the UNA Dance Company. According to Roxana Grinstein, Cast Directoris an emblematic work created by Casella 20 years ago for that cast and which marked him strongly. At 7:30 p.m. in the gallery of the cultural center you can see To vanish, of Alejo Wilkinson Hasslera performance installation involving large quantities of paper and four performers altering the perception of time and space. At 8:30 p.m., at Batato Barea, a shared program will be staged with three pieces in which teachers from the institution will participate: Unknown Language from Jujuy Matthew Urquizaa creation about the relationship between body and language performed by Liza Taylor; The daughter of restless sleep of and by Rhea Volij (an artist who crosses contemporary dance, butoh dance, martial arts and other languages) and The footprint (fragment) by Susana Szperling, a choreography that mixes the folkloric rhythm of malambo and contemporary dance with music by Axel Krygier.

He Thursday 8th At 7pm, in the Batato Barea room, it will be the turn of The waves of memoryby María José Goldín, a piece that explores memory and the ghosts of the past, by the Goosefoot Dance Theatre Company. At 8pm and 10pm, in the Cancha room, he will arrive My party Rojas, a creation of Casella and Mayra Bonard (two of the members of the legendary company El Descueve), performed by Bonard, also the author of the texts together with Pedro Mairal. It is an experience that crosses monologues and demanding physical actions that allude to curiosity, the body, sex and ferocity. At 9 pm, in the Batato Barea room, there will be a multimedia creation with Revolts, of Adriana Barensteinwith five performers who dialogue with the images of A light labyrinth, labyrintha work from the 80s Dance Group UBA Theatrecreated and directed by Barenstein, triggering conflicts and clashes in the attempt to reconstruct those scenes from the past.

My party, by Mayra Bonard. Image: Alejandro Guyot.

He Friday 9th There will be a new function of to vanishof Alejo Wilkinson Hassler in the gallery, and Roxana Grinstein will be presented at 8pm in the Batato Barea hall Intruding my works about Alone in the time tunnel (a work of his authorship from 2008), which will come to life in the bodies of Liliana Toccaceli and Margarita Wolf. A table, a saying, a story, an essay, a process: the virtual and the physical intermingle, generating a new, singular and unique composition. Like a kaleidoscope, different mirror images on a pre-existing material will build a present. Opening this intimate process, showing something of what is to come and something of what was,” anticipates the director.

The closing of the third day will be at 10 pm in the same room with a program consisting of two pieces, Songs to light up corners y Marea Noy. Danced poetry. The first is a multidisciplinary proposal of Daniela Lieban and Teresa Duggan about a woman who illuminates different aspects of her life through songs performed by Lieban, accompanied by two dancers and a guitarist who provides music for the scenes choreographed by Duggan. In the second piece, the writer and performer Fernando Noy recites his poems, lends his body to the movement generated by the words, along with Laura Peralta with edge and box, Daniela Liebana in the double role of dancer and choreographer, and Silvia Maldini in live video art.

Rosita’s daughter and her current parents, by Susana Szperling.

Also, within the framework of this dance cycle, coming to the end of the month, on Saturday August 24th at 9pm In the Batato Barea room, a single performance will be held Rosita’s daughter and her currentchoreographed and directed by Susana Szperling, a multimedia piece about family ties performed by the director, which addresses an event in her personal history, along with Milena Loguercio, Gerardo Carrot and guests. And outside of this festival, the Friday, August 9th at 9pm in the Cancha Room, the choreographers Florence Vecino and Marcos Torino premiere Dedicated emotionsannounced as a performative essay on affection and its ungovernable character, with the performances of Carmen Pereiro Numer and Carolina Saadeand live music from Ismael Pinkler. It will be available on Fridays and Saturdays in August and September. Until now, the festivities related to dance (all the programming available in but until December El Rojas continues to celebrate its fortieth anniversary with special programming in other disciplines.

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