The path to stronger health systems

by time news

2023-07-15 04:00:25

Looking ahead, by 2030 it is estimated that there will be a deficit of 18 million medical professionals worldwide.
A study showed that self-care can generate savings of up to 7.2 billion pesos for health systems.
In addition to improving the status of people, they also increase the productivity of workers.

Given the wide range of diseases and conditions that exist, the Self-care is the basis for achieving a good state of health. In fact, making small lifestyle modifications is enough to reduce risk. Therefore, it becomes more relevant to encourage the practice of daily exercise and have a balanced diet.

The worrisome deficit of doctors in the world

Los health systems in Mexico and the world are facing significant challenges and constraints, both in economic terms and in the ability to provide medical care. These challenges are the result of demographic changes, the increase in chronic noncommunicable diseases, and the shortage of medical specialists.

Furthermore, this context could be made even worse by projections that indicate a global shortage of close to 18 million medical professionals by the year 2030.

Facing the International Self-Care Daywhich is commemorated every July 24, Roberto Beyrutewho is the general manager of Haleon Mexico, mentions that it is crucial to highlight that this practice can play a fundamental role in dealing with this growing problem.

A good self-care culture enables people to take preventative measures and actively participate in caring for their own well-being. In addition, it is very important to highlight that having autonomy in our health care does not mean replacing specialized medical care, but it can be an initial measure to prevent complications and alleviate the burden on health professionals.

Benefits that self-care offers to health systems

A study conducted by the Latin American Association for Responsible Self-Care (ILAR) in 2022 demonstrated that the contribution of health self-management can be very significant both in the present and in the future. Currently, it is estimated that this practice has generated savings of 7.2 billion pesos in the health care system, 2.5 billion productive days for people, 869 million hours invested by patients and 122 million hours by professionals. doctors.

These results show the positive impact in economic and productivity terms. However, its potential is even greater. According to projections for 2030, it is expected to achieve savings of 13 billion dollars in the health system, 4.6 billion productive days, 1.6 billion hours invested by patients and 217 million hours by medical personnel.

Increase in worker performance

These figures demonstrate the value and importance of self-care as a powerful tool to improve efficiency in care and avoid work absenteeism, obtaining not only individual benefits, but also contributing to the collective well-being and sustainable development of our society.

And it is that, labor absenteeism continues to be a significant challenge in Mexico, since the average rate exceeds 7.5%, which results in a decrease of between 40% and 50% in the productivity of Mexican companies.

Various studies have revealed that the impact of absence from work can represent 7.3% of the total cost of the annual payroll. In addition, the absence of one or more employees in the workforce creates an additional burden both for the remaining collaborators and for the human resources department, who must find ways to cover those absences.

But, it is important to highlight that self-care is not limited only to the responsible use of medicines and reading labels (fundamental aspects to avoid inappropriate self-medication and associated risks), it also implies adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a good diet and adequate hygiene habits. These practices can prevent long-term problems and help reduce the financial burden on the healthcare system.

Undoubtedly, the recent pandemic that we have experienced in recent years made clear to us the limitations of primary care systems and underscored the urgent need to take control over the care of our bodies as an alternative that gives people greater autonomy. It is essential to promote and promote the culture of conscious and responsible self-care to make the most of its potential and achieve a more robust and unbreakable health system.

Also read:

Mexican doctor creates a podcast to end fake health news

Self-care in men, key to avoiding complications

Keys to promote self-care and improve the health of Mexicans

#path #stronger #health #systems

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