The pension reform is inflaming the streets. Clashes in Paris

by time news – Clashes between police and protesters in Place de la Republique in Paris, where a demonstration was organized against the disputed pension reform. BfmTv reports it. In a meeting at the Elysée, the French president Emmanuel Macron argued that ‘the mob’ has ‘no legitimacy’ against “the people who express themselves through their elected officials” after the adoption in Parliament of the reform, passed with the use by the government of article 49.3.

Again according to BfmTv, 11 protesters were detained in connection with the clashes at Place de la Republique in Paris against the pension reform. And by Thursday “12,000 policemen and gendarmes” will be mobilized in France, including “5,000” in Paris, on the occasion of the new day of protests called by the trade unions against the controversial reform.

This was announced by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, urging the forces of order not to “respond to provocations from the extreme left” who, according to him, seek “to destabilize the state”. Meanwhile, the leader of Rassemblement national, Marine Le Pen, has warned that she does not intend to “participate to put out the fire” of the protests, which were “predictable”. Emmanuel Macron, added the far-right leader, is “the only one who has the keys to a political crisis that he created himself”.

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