The Pentagon is stopping F-35 deliveries because of China: this is the new discovery

by time news

The Pentagon ordered a temporary suspension of the delivery of F35 aircraft to customers after the manufacturer Lockheed-Martin reported that one of the components of the aircraft contained a magnet made of an alloy produced in China. The use of a Chinese-made component in the company’s planes constitutes a violation of the federal law concerning the purchase and sale of defense equipment, but the company reported the violation on its own initiative and has already found a replacement supplier for the component in question.

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“After an investigation process and a number of tests, we can confirm that the magnet does not transmit data or thwart the normal operation of the planes,” the Pentagon spokesman announced today (Thursday). “Also, there are no problems with the performance of the planes, their quality, safety or any other risk that may arise from the existence of the component in the planes. All the planes that are already in use will continue to fly as usual – there are no special instructions regarding them.” Despite the reassuring announcement on behalf of the Pentagon, Lockheed-Martin is supposed to provide its customers with another 65 aircraft by the end of 2022 (out of a total commitment of 153 during the year) and it is not clear when it will be approved to deliver them to customers.

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Lockheed-Martin stated: “We are working closely with our counterpart in the Department of Defense to ensure compliance between the manufacturing process and the law and the supply chain. The magnet in question has no access to any software or sensitive information. Our planes remain safe to fly and we will work together with the government to resolve the issue As soon as possible. Starting in 2016, the Israeli Air Force also uses F-35 aircraft produced by the company – called in the IDF ‘Adir’ aircraft.

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