The penultimate dangerous health “fad”: putting botox in the belly to lose weight

by time news

There is an outbreak of iatrogenic botulism in Turkey and has affected at least 87 people in Europe, Germany being the country most affected with 30 cases. Those affected tried to lose weight with botulinum toxin gastric injections.

Iatrogenic botulism is a rare acquired disease resulting in flaccid paralysis and is caused by botulinum neurotoxins. It can occur as a adverse event after therapeutic or cosmetic use.

the bud originating in Türkiye has also affected Austria, France and Switzerland. In spain intragastric botulinum toxin injection is NOT authorized.

No deaths confirmed for this reason, but there are several hospitalizations and admissions to Intensive Care Units (ICU).

Botulinum toxin injection, known as botoxIt is a very common technique in aesthetic medicine to combat wrinkles. But intragastric injections have nothing similar except for the compound that is infiltrated.

In the gut, the doses are higher because the stomach is much thicker than the forehead. The objective of the intervention is to “relax” this organ.

By administering the toxin, the gastric mucosa becomes more rigid, the muscle loses strength and empties more slowly, which generates a Feeling full early and lasting in the patient. Hence its supposed usefulness for losing weight.

The safety and effectiveness of these injections is not well studied in the long term and for this reason this medical practice is highly questioned and is generally not recommended.

Since it began to be used as an aesthetic treatment, Botulinum toxin It has become the most popular cosmetic intervention without surgery. But as is often the case with many health treatments This practice is not without risk. Looking for beauty like this can turn into something very ugly.

In Spain there are pharmaceutical companies that have tried and managed to silence their victims buying his silence. But in the United States there are judicial sentences like that of this woman whom Allergan produced him botulism with the famous Botox and compensated her with 15 million of dollars.

I advise you to read what I published four years ago under the title of Botox, Vistabel, Bocouture, Azzalure: Epidemic sequelae from botulinum toxin injection?

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