“The people are the ones who order the most”

by time news

2023-04-25 17:15:00

Noa Presas, from BNG, extends a carnation to her groupmate, Alexandra Fernández, on the occasion of April 25. Sandra Alonso

The BNG deputy Noa Presas distributes carnations to her fellow seats, while PSdeG and PP congratulate the neighboring country

25 abr 2023 . Updated at 7:21 p.m.

The plenary session in the Parliament of Galicia began this morning with the debate on the audit report of the Consello de Contos, a somewhat dense theme that was diluted just before the start of the session with the distribution of carnations made by Noa Presas, from the BNG, to fellow seats. The nationalists were thus the first to honor the Portuguese people and their Revolution of the Carnations of 1974, that this April 25 turns 49 years old.

«Your Lordships are going to allow me to address the Portuguese people on this anniversary of their Carnation Revolution because of the many lessons it has left us, starting with the one that “the people are the ones who order the most“», the also nationalist began her speech from the rostrum Montse Prado, in a motion on public contracting in the Sergas. The deputy, who was wearing a carnation on her shirt collar, provoked applause from her Parliamentary Group by proclaiming «April 25 always, fascism never again!».

the socialist Julio Torradoalready in his turn, shared the homage of Prado and spoke about that “feeling that it’s always a good time to look towards Portugal, but there are days when it’s even more cheerful to look south». «More than a friendly country, it is a brotherly land, and there are days when it is much more cheerful and today is a day. I welcome your reference [la de Prado]», continued the deputy of the PSdeG.

So did the PPdeG parliamentarian Alberto Pazoswho in his response added to the praise of the Portuguese people: «The arrival of democracy is always a happy event and when it happens to a brotherly people, much more so». In addition to these words from the rostrum, several deputies, including Julio Torrado himself, shared congratulatory messages to Portugal on their networks.

#people #order

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