The perfect breakfast hack to balance your blood sugar

by time news

Our metabolism is very important. It is important for overall well-being, the heart, blood vessels and immune system. Our metabolic health is complicated, but luckily you can improve it yourself. Let’s start with a breakfast that your blood sugar will feast on – aka a blood sugar balancing breakfast.

With these tips you can prevent blood sugar peaks and we also give you some nice breakfasts as tips.

Breakfast Hacks That Help Blood Sugar Control

Let’s start right off with one of the best hacks. This is the shift from a sweet to a savory breakfast. The best meals for balancing blood sugar contain protein, fiber and fat. These meals consist less of refined carbohydrates and sugar. It is generally easier to include this with lunch or dinner. While traditional sweet breakfast products (pancakes, sweet sandwiches, etc.) mainly consist of carbohydrates (sugars). For example, a large bowl of oatmeal can raise blood sugar levels in some people.

This does not mean that all sweet breakfast foods are bad for blood sugar. It’s just that by swapping the sweet products for savory products, you probably have a better chance of getting more healthy fats, fiber and protein.

Good alternatives

Eggs with avocado and sautéed vegetables would make a perfect breakfast. Smoked salmon, eggs and vegetables, for example. Scrambled tofu with vegetables is also top notch. So it’s about focusing on savory, fewer carbohydrates and less sweet.

If you are someone who likes oatmeal or pancakes and you want something sweet, the best option is to eat something like chia pudding with berries, nut butter or walnuts. Chia pudding as an alternative to cereal or oatmeal is a delicious recommendation. It contains a fair amount of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which makes this a nice breakfast.

For pancake lovers, it is recommended to replace ‘standard’ batter for grain-free alternatives. There are great keto pancakes on the market that are made with coconut flour or almond flour and they taste great. For toppings, you can add blueberries or use nut butter. Coconut yogurt is also very tasty. Add a little chia seeds, walnuts and some berries. This is a great breakfast with few peaks.


Switching from a sweet to a savory breakfast is a convenient way to avoid spikes in blood sugar, because savory foods almost always contain a healthy balance of fat, fiber, and protein. In this way we can support our metabolism well. But know: it all has to stay a bit fun and tasty, so find your way here.

Oatmeal: how healthy is it really?

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The perfect breakfast hack to balance your blood sugar

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