The Perfectionist’s Guide to Embracing Your Strength: A Path to Power and Peace

by time news

2023-09-14 11:34:28
Dubai Psychotherapist Embraces Perfectionism as a Source of Strength

Dubai, United Arab Emirates – In a society that often discourages perfectionism in favor of achieving balance, psychotherapist Katherine Morgan Schafler takes a different approach. Schafler rejects the idea that perfectionism needs to be overcome and instead believes it should be recognized as a gift and a source of strength.

In her book, “The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control: A Path to Peace and Power,” Schafler argues that it’s okay for perfectionists to be unbalanced. She advises against subscribing to pre-conceived notions about balance when they don’t align with an individual’s personality.

Schafler advocates for celebrating the pursuit of bridging the gap between reality and idealism, rather than suppressing expressions of ambition and the search for strength. She believes that the desire to excel and strive for the ideal is essential and can help individuals live life to its fullest.

Perfectionism is a natural instinct unique to humans, according to Schafler. She explains that perfectionists not only see the gap between reality and idealism but also feel the necessity to try and bridge it. While many view perfectionism as a negative quality and a sign of disorder in mental health, Schafler sees it as the energy that drives progress and motivates individuals to strive for the ideal.

Conscious implementation of perfectionism, according to Schafler, involves directing one’s energy without being attached to the outcome. It means having a self-defined version of success and reminding oneself that they are already perfect. Schafler encourages individuals to give themselves free access to goodness without tying their self-worth to accomplishments.

The need for control is often associated with perfectionism, but Schafler argues that rather than trying to lower one’s standards or relax, it’s more productive to see perfectionism as something that can help. It’s about being aware of one’s perfectionism tendencies and harnessing their power constructively and consciously.

Differentiating between working to the point of illness and embracing passions in a healthy, energizing way can be challenging for perfectionists. Schafler suggests that pleasure can be a guide in this process. Recognizing the difference between instant gratification and true pleasure can help individuals understand what truly fulfills them and aligns with their passions.

A healthy, balanced life looks different for everyone, according to Schafler. It’s about aligning one’s actions with their values. Choosing which values to prioritize can be difficult but will ultimately clarify how individuals spend their time. Schafler emphasizes the importance of focusing on values that resonate emotionally and bring fulfillment, rather than adhering to external expectations.

Schafler’s perspective on perfectionism challenges the prevailing narrative and encourages individuals to embrace their perfectionist tendencies. By reclaiming the pursuit of perfection as a source of strength, individuals can live life to its fullest potential.]
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