The Permit startup wants to get developers one of their hard and Sisyphean jobs out of their heads

by time news

Permit’s product allows developers to embed permissions in applications they build with several lines of code. Founders: Rookout Pounder and outgoing engineer Facebook

Photo: Adi Lem

Developers today need to develop the entire authorization management mechanism for their products from scratch. It is often a tedious job that takes a long time, and if that is not enough, sometimes it has to be done again due to changes in customers or regulation. A new Israeli startup called Permit that has just been unveiled offers developers the ability to embed permissions in apps they build with a few lines of code.

“Sisyphean and hard work that takes months”

Every application today is required to identify users securely and manage different types of users with different access permissions (Roles), but self-development of capabilities like Role Based Access Control (RBAC), Audit Logs, Impersonation and more can take months. Even after initial development, developers need to continue working on the permissions system to fix bugs and add new features. “This is a really Sisyphean, hard job that takes months and requires very specific specialization. And worst of all, developers find themselves doing it over and over again following customer demands and regulation, ”he says. In conversation with Giktiim Maor Weiss, co-founder and CEO of Permit, the process of managing the permissions for the software products. Weiss says that Permit gives all the components and infrastructure (in the form of an SDK) so that they can easily manufacture this mechanism without going into complex development processes and provides the double-stack solution, ie the experiences alongside the infrastructure, that can be made accessible to other people and customers.

You are actually offering Permissions-As-A-Service. So how is your product different from existing solutions?

Weiss: “What sets Permit apart is the emphasis on end-to-end experiences, user management, control logs, permission request processes, key management, etc., and not just infrastructure or APIs. We do deal with authorization and not authentication. “Authentication is a broad and busy market, authorization is a new market and all industries are going to it now, including the Biden administration.”

Weiss himself is well acquainted with the fast-growing world of tool development for developers. Prior to the current venture, he founded and was the CEO of Rookout, another Israeli startup in the B2D worlds, which developed a system for quickly identifying production glitches. Weiss was joined by Assaf Cohen, the CTO, who was a software engineer at Facebook and Microsoft.

The one who keeps an eye and check on Permit is Gigi Levi-Weiss, who even led with the NFX fund the raising of the company’s lime, which has now been completed in the amount of $ 6 million. Rainfall Ventures and a long line of private investors from the tech worlds, including Amir Jarbi, co-founder and VP of technology at Aqua Security; Cheryl Hang, Apple’s engineering director; Danny Grander, co-founder of Snyk; Idan Tendler, CEO and Co-Founder of Bridgecrew; John Kodomel, co-founder and chief technology officer of LaunchDarkly; Nitzan Shapira, CEO and co-founder of Epsgon and more.

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“We set up Permit after building our own permission systems over and over again,” says Weiss. “As developers ourselves, we wanted to build a system that would facilitate the Sisyphean part of developing a modern permission system and enable the highest level of security in the organization.” By the way, Permit’s platform is built on the OPAL open source project, which was also created by Or Weiss and Assaf Cohen.

“The founders of Permit have a unique vision that not only examines what needs to be fixed, but sees before its eyes a completely new and different reality,” says Gigi Levy-Weiss, co-founder of the NFX Foundation. “By understanding what engineers are facing today and the impact this has on organizations, they have been able to create a solution that reorganizes the system, and how it is securely connected through access controls.”

Yaniv Avital

Giktiim website editor. Do you have an idea for the article? A secret tip? leak? Waiting for you at [email protected]


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