The Pets fill up on the steps of Girona Cathedral to present ‘1963’

by time news

The Pets have filled the stairs of Girona Cathedral this Saturday with the release of their new album ‘1963’. Constantí’s men have reviewed the twelve songs on the new album, which they have combined with traditional classics such as ‘S’ha acabat’, ‘Bon dia’ or ‘Una estona de cel’, which have raised the 842 spectators who have not wanted to miss one of the concerts that has raised the most anticipation of the Strenes festival that is taking place these days between Girona. All this with the uncertainty of the rain that has begun to fall in the afternoon in the city and that has kept the celebration of the concert in suspense. Eventually, however, Els Pets took to the stage and vibrated a dedicated audience that did not stop singing the songs of the band.

The concert began with the uncertainty of the rain but with great desire on the part of a dedicated audience and that the singer Lluís Gavaldà has not hesitated to question since ‘Descafeïnat’, the first song that has sounded. It was followed by ‘No t’escolto’ and ‘Jordi Puig’. The first of the great successes of Constantí’s band has been ‘This pussy of time’ which has raised the spectators who have filled the stairs of the cathedral. From that moment on, songs from the new album have been linked to the typical ones of other albums that have raised an audience that has been waiting in the sky until the last minute. And it is that the rain that has fallen throughout the day in Girona has caused fear with the suspension of the concert.

‘So many things to do’, ‘It’s over’, the single ‘Eyes like swimming pools’, ‘Hospital del mar’ and ‘Bon dia’ have served to close the concert before the start of the encores that have made the the public stood up to the end. ‘I don’t want you to like this song’, ‘Jo vull ser rei’, ‘Una estona de cel’ and ‘Bona nit’ to close a concert that has been one of the most anticipated of the Festiva Strenes in Girona.

The group ended up being applauded by the nearly 850 spectators who did not want to miss the concert and who had been sold out for days. An ovation that was extended after the ‘Good night’ that made Gavaldà constantly thank the attendees for their attitude.

Last weekend of Strenes in Girona

Els Pets was the penultimate concert held in Girona in this edition of the Strenes Festival, which is now moving to Barcelona. Dorian was in charge of animating the stairs of the cathedral on Friday, this Saturday Els Pets did it and on Sunday it will be Suu’s turn, in what will be the last show of the Strenes in Girona.

From May, the festival will move to Barcelona with performances by Doctor Prats, Tribade and Magalí Sare. The music contest will close its tenth edition on May 21.

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