the PJDG, a new party is born in Guinea – 2024-05-13 21:42:09

by times news cr

2024-05-13 21:42:09

Thanks to a press point held in Camayenne, the Youth Party for the Development of Guinea (PJDG) was presented to Guineans this Wednesday, May 1, 2024. This new political party which is emerging has, at its head Mamady IB Kourouma born in N’zérékoré, product of the Guinean school, graduated in Medicine from a Guinean university and holds a Master’s degree in logistics and transport from a European university. He decides to set out to conquer the presidential chair.

With this newcomer to the political arena, we discussed these observations on the management of the transition by the CNRD, its motivations and its political ambitions, its relationships with the CNRD and the party and political coalitions existing on the Guinean political scene. .

To begin, the president of the Party for Youth for the Development of Guinea (PJDG) took the opportunity to recall his objectives of fighting in politics. » Our motivation is to be an actor and to put youth at the center and to focus on entrepreneurship. I have had several meetings with several governments that have visited this country but whether we should commit to a government or not, that is not the case for the moment. Today we set out to conquer power. There I think that we cannot be a simple spectator and observer, we must be actors. Hence our political commitment and we have the solution and I prioritize Guinea above all,” he recalled.

According to Mamady IB Kourouma, who has a long career in Belgian and French industrial companies and who aims to revolutionize entrepreneurship in the Republic of Guinea, the State is faced with a major problem when signing contracts.

“You have in front of you a great technocrat who knows the world of industry and who knows how contracts work and the big problem in our country is the contracts that we sign (…). Contracts are always 2 parties who sign them, contracts are either when we sign them the executives who commit the State do not have the measure of what they sign and that is a big problem”

On the conduct of political affairs by the junta since September 5, 2021, this new politician thinks that we should not confuse speed with haste and given the current situation, Guinea is not within a year of emerging from the transition. “You know, it’s like a building, if you want to make a building the base must be solid. So the authorities in place promised us things that had to be put in place.

For the moment, I think that the electoral code or the conditions are not there, I think that we must be patient. And patience does not mean dragging on, Guinea is a regime, the President of the Republic must be elected by the people. Better a bad democracy than the State we know now…”

Finally, the vice-president of this new political formation, Ms. Foulématou Camara, suggested that they are not to join Paul or Pierre or to be simple spectators, nor to sign alliances. “We are not going to join a coalition or even sign an alliance. If we came into politics it is because we have convictions, we have ideas, visions to put in place and invite young people to join us in moving forward. We are not in favor of associating with a particular party because it existed for years, that’s not it, we young people should take our responsibilities, we must no longer accept being manipulated by politicians , no, we ourselves must speak up. (…) Before joining Paul or Pierre, we will first go to the elections and submit to the verdict of the people of Guinea”

Mamadou Yaya Barry

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