“The Playboy King”: the 61-year-old announced that he is getting married for the 88th time

by time news

Most people would prefer to marry once, maybe twice, three at the most. There are also those who are ready even four times – but 88? This man apparently has powers that many men do not.

The 61-year-old Kaan, an Indonesian farmer from Majalangka district, West Java, told the local media that he has managed to get married almost 90 times, and about the women who are attracted to him because of his spiritual powers. According to him, he married for the first time at the age of only 14 with a 16-year-old girl. She was his first wife and demanded a divorce from him about two years later, according to his admission, due to his bad attitude, about which he did not elaborate. After the divorce proceedings lasted about nine months, Caan began to do everything he could to make women fall in love with him.

Hoping to marry the ex from wedding number 86 (photo: ingimage ASAP)

He explained: “If I know a beautiful woman, I offer her to marry me. I don’t play with her feelings, I give her what she wants.” Now, he intends to remarry his ex-wife and his “favorite”, from wedding number 86. According to him, they were married for only one month but she is “still in love” with him and wants to return to him even though it has been a long time since they broke up.

Strangely, authorities told Dailystar that the man was never registered as married with the country’s Ministry of Religious Services, and it is unclear how many children he has from his 87 wives. According to Indonesian law, divorce proceedings must be carried out in court, therefore married couples without an official statement from the authorities cannot divorce.

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