The Poison Machine: This is how Twitter works in the service of the Bibist Camp | Ben Mercury

by time news

A few words about the “poison machine”. Let’s start with a topical example. Twitter user named “Hotboty”. Such a mischievous name, in a seemingly satirical segment about bots on the social network. This profile, previously blocked at least four times by Twitter for violating community rules and public reports, reopens repeatedly with the same name and image and manages to return almost immediately to the same number of followers – though according to Twitter rules, if blocked, you may not return.

This week this user tweeted a particularly disgusting tweet: “Remember that when they published the hollow diaries and showed that on Tuesdays he does not work, his excuse was that Tuesdays are dedicated to his special daughter and that he never gave them up with her. His”.

This sickening tweet was tweeted by who if not the regent, Yair Netanyahu. By the way, Lapid did dedicate all of Tuesday afternoons to Yael, his autistic daughter. Everyone who knows him knows. I guess when you are prime minister, priorities and constraints prevail over the family interest as well. What’s more, the meeting with Macron was scheduled by Bennett. Let us ignore for a moment the fact that the Netanyahu family has a daughter who was estranged, estranged and almost non-existent in the lives of her father and half-brother. There are grandchildren there who do not know their grandfather. And he dares to tweet a tweet about a prime minister who grows up with an autistic daughter and fights for her and for the tens of thousands of children like her.

Yair Netanyahu (Photo: Flash 90)

We have gathered here for a different purpose, so we will continue to track the user “Hotboty”. In April of this year, when Shaked was a kind of Libra in a possible vote on “defendant’s laws,” a Kikioni website appeared on the Yedioth network about 72 pages of explosive correspondence between her and Efi Naveh. The person who disseminated this news was the same user. “Hotboty.” The distributions and shares surfaced one night, coinciding with the question of Shaked voting. Soon more bots joined the celebration followed by the bibists familiar to us all. Partisans, and non-partisans, but serve as “journalists” on news sites, news channels and radio stations.

“Who did Ayelet Shaked meet on Saladin Street ?? !!”, the Bardugos shouted under every fresh microphone. In response, Shaked went to court, was banned from publishing and later announced that she would not support the defendant’s laws (Shaked is not related to our case. This has always been her position and as far as I know, there is nothing criminal in her correspondence with Naveh). But look at this miracle, the next day the business calmed down. There was no such thing. The poison machine won again.

But it does not end here, it is just beginning. The flag parade, remember? In Netanyahu’s case, it was abolished, dispersed, while rockets were fired at Jerusalem and a half-state bombed by a wall guard, plus riots in the cities involved. With Bennett and Lapid, the parade proudly marched, tens of thousands of participants (the largest ever). But there were those who tried to prevent it. No, I’m not talking about Hamas. I’m talking about the poison machine. The date of the parade was May 29 this year. In the days before that, the poison machine dealt with an effort to try Hamas in Israel, persuade Yahya Sanwar to launch missiles and rockets and repeat what he had done a year earlier.

On May 27, two days before the parade, at 4 minutes before seven in the evening, “Hotbotty” tweets him this tweet: Shortly before Shabbat, he entered the Rotter website at 19:46 and got stuck there. Before the publication goes up in Rotterdam, “Hotbotty” tweets a picture of Sanwar with the pride flag behind him.

The business is exploding in the network. Earlier, the babysitter Ronit tweeted “What about Sanwar? Is he gay too?”, But it’s not funny to anyone. At the same time, other bots are distributing the videos from a previous year of a fire that broke out in al-Aqsa’s yard and young Jews dancing in the background. A year earlier this video had lit up the area. Why not turn it on this year too? True, it is not from now on, but what does it matter?

Where is Hamas? They do not shoot, but they are not indifferent. They respond (Rutter publication): “Muhammad Sanwar, the brother of the Hamas leader in Gaza: When we warn Israel, every letter and every word has a seal on the ground.” Thin hint. “Every letter and every word.” Bottom line: the step parade. The attempt to overthrow Hamas in Israel in order to ignite the territory and overthrow the Bennett-Lapid government failed. By the way, you do not need bots to prove this ambition. Here’s a tweet from Hillel Bitton Rosen. Not a bot. A real man. Channel 14’s military reporter “That only Hamas, the murderers of women and children, can save the people of Israel from a government with an extreme left and supporters of terrorism.”

Add to this a recording of our informant Rami Ben-Yehuda (who I revealed on Twitter), from Spice of Bibists (a kind of group conversation on Twitter). Ben-Yehuda, who will be hosting an evening with leading MKs at the Likud branch in Mevaseret Zion in the coming days, said: “If you ask me, I wish I could drop 20 missiles on Tel Aviv tomorrow. God forbid that they should harm human life, that they would fall by an iron dome and that, which would force the rag defense minister to go and fight Hamas …. “, someone asks him” Remy, do you think that’s what the government will bring down? ” After all, a balance of scoundrels … “.

Gentlemen, this is real. Let’s sum it up: Yair Netanyahu tweeted this week a sickening tweet of “Hotbotty”, an anonymous Twitter profile (probably a bot or an activated profile, part of some poison machine) that mocked Yair Lapid’s treatment of his autistic daughter. This profile actually dealt with the spread of false news that Israel has evidence that Yahya Sanwar is gay, in the days of tension before the flag parade this year. The motivation: to ignite the anger of Sanwar, who will ignite Israel, who will scatter (again) the parade of flags and, as Rami Ben-Yehuda said, 20 missiles will be launched on Tel Aviv and the government will fall. No, I do not think a police investigation should be opened into this poison machine. My reason is simple: there are no more police. I think the GSS investigation should be opened.

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