The police officers who acted against armor for the most courted man on the right

by time news

Moshe Saada, (Photo: Flash 90)

Moshe Saada, one of the most sought-after people on the right in recent months – has so far not been included in any list in the elections to the 25th Knesset. Behind the scenes, among other things, a group of current and former police officers has been working against members of the Knesset and right-wing parties, demanding that those who they claim have harmed should not be allowed into political life. in them as the head of the

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As you may recall, at the end of July, the journalist Amit Segal published an in-depth interview with the former deputy head of the National Security Agency, Moshe Saada, who left an entire country speechless. , instantly became the man of the hour of the right in the election system and various parties conducted a courtship campaign after him.

But alongside the warm embrace from the parties, and even a survey that gave the party led by him more support than Ayelat Shaked, a group of police officers, both now and in the past, worked to thwart Saada’s entry into political life. They put pressure on politicians who considered putting him on the list, and claimed that Saada was not only part of the same organization he visited, but also led the policy and “crushed many families in the name of statics” and therefore does not deserve to be elected, according to them.

Messages to party leaders, meetings with rabbis and pressure on social networks

Saada’s name has come up in recent months as a new candidate on the right who can attract dormant mandates. After contacts with the religious Zionist parties, Otzma Yehudit, the Jewish Home, and the Right, when at the same time he was debating about establishing a new party under his leadership, the chairman of the Jewish Home Yossi Brodani announced today that Saada has decided not to enter political life. The former police officers who acted against him believe that they responsible for thwarting his placement as a candidate – at least in some of the lists that considered recruiting him to the list.

Ofer Ashkuri, a former police officer who in recent years has been leading struggles for the rights of police officers and manages a network of Facebook groups for police officers, said in a conversation with Sarogi: “There is severe criticism of former police officers who were investigated by him when he was deputy head of the police department. There is a gap between what he says and what he broadcasts and what he actually was when he was a member of the National Guard. He is portrayed as such a great Puritan and righteous.”

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“He said that the Shimshash are strong over weak policemen. You are the deputy head of the police, and you say of yourself that you are strong against the weak policemen? How are you not ashamed?” Ashkuri claims and adds: “He was supposed to be armored with Ben Gabir, before the unification, and then former police officers came to Ben Gabir and told him that if Saada was on the list with him, they would not choose him. Itamar Ben Gabir was revered by the Israeli police.”

The person who founded the “Committee of the Policemen and Retirees” with Ashkuri and has been leading the fight in the Mashash and Sa’ada with him in recent years, she is Osher Assaf, the wife of a former police officer who herself was investigated in 2014 in the Mashash. Assaf and Ashkuri claim that behind them are hundreds of families of police officers who were victims of the police, including actual police officers who are afraid of being exposed due to their duties. She told the Srogim: “We fought for him not to be the head of the police and we fought for Itamar Ben Gabir and Smotrich not to put him on the list.”

The threat: “We call on all the policemen not to vote for you”

This morning, just before Yossi Brodani stated on Channel 2 that Saada had decided not to run for the Knesset, Asaf was planning a demonstration in Givat Shmuel in order to put pressure on Brodani, who was thinking of retaining Saada. Earlier, when Saada’s armor was being considered for the religious Zionist list, the police activists distributed the phones of Ben Gabir and Smotrich in groups of police officers: “We asked everyone who was hit by a terrorist attack to contact them,” Ushera says.

In a letter sent to Smotrich on August 10 on behalf of the “Committee of Police Officers and the Rights of Police Officers”, the activists clarified that in the event that they are armored, they will call on police officers who support religious Zionism not to vote for the party: “If you choose to ignore these harsh and harsh facts, we will have no choice but to call all police officers Israel and the members of the prison service, past and present, both retired and serving, junior as senior officials, officers, investigators and detectives – not a few of them who met Mr. Saada and his exploits in person – demonstrably refrain from voting for religious Zionism.”

Photo: Yonatan Zindel / Flash 90

It was also stated in the police letter to the heads of the parties that considered Saada’s armor: “In at least five different cases over the past few years, a series of judges in the district and peace court determined, clearly and unequivocally, that both Saada himself and senior investigators who were under his responsibility, committed acts – clearly legal, disrupted the course of an investigation, marked suspects as targets for criminalization at any cost, and even gave testimonies in court that were not trusted at all, to say the least.”

“Sada ruined my life”

Nir Somekh, the officer who shot his neighbor to death and was sentenced to 14 years in prison, when after 3 years in prison he was unanimously acquitted in the Supreme Court, is also one of the prominent activists in the fight against Saada’s entry into political life. Somech, who published quite a few posts against Saada online, says that in recent times he has worked hard to prevent a restaurant from entering political life, he met personally with Ben Gabir, Smotrich and Rabbi Druckman, also, people on behalf of the police struggle also met with other figures in the system the political and other rabbis in religious Zionism in an attempt to prevent an armor of Saada.

Somech thought that he and his friends had succeeded in thwarting Saada’s entry into politics after the religious Zionists gave up on his candidacy, but then he was surprised again when Saada’s name came up in the context of a joint run with Brodni and Shaked, and wrote a message to Brodni: “The man was part of a corrupt gang that gave the lives of thousands a life of extortion. Irreversible damage. We had a huge fight against Smotritz and Saada cannot be brought in through the back door.”

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“I promise,” he wrote to Brodny, “because if you put him on your list, you will expect a fight you have never seen before. There won’t be a conference that won’t blow up, we will visit every one of your target audiences, and if you thought you might pass the blocking percentage, from the moment you put him in, I promise you that it will be the end of your road. Me and thousands of people will act with our heart’s blood and against such a force no one will be able to stand, believe me” Somech wrote.

In a message that Somech wrote to Ayelet Shaked, it was said: “This man hurt me and hundreds and thousands of our best sons who guard us day and night, just for the purpose of coming one day and being in politics. Not only will you not advance an agenda, but you will do irreparable damage.” According to him, the police exerted pressure on Shaked against the armory also through associates.

In light of many allegations against Saada, to the question of whether his exposure of the MHA’s failings does not absolve Saada of guilt, he answers: “Today he is going against Shai Nitzan and Roni Elshich, but he was part of it. Shay Nitzan wanted to appoint Moshe Saada as the head of the Police. They were a conspiracy, they were inside each other,” and adds: “The damage done by Saada in the Israel Police is still present today. Police officers come from a place of values ​​and know that tomorrow for the slightest mistake they will find the themselves thrown away”.

No response was given from Moshe Saada, religious Zionist leaders Itamar Ben Gabir and Bezalel Smotrich and head of the Jewish Home Yossi Brodani.

It was reported from Ayelet Shaked: “That’s not true. Shaked did receive several WhatsApp messages from the police. From here to determining that following them Saada did not enter the list is a far cry.”

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