The Police warn about the scam of the acquaintance on WhatsApp: this is how it works

by time news

WhatsApp it is one of the most used messaging tools by users; that is why it is not uncommon for cybercriminals to try to exploit it to steal money or data. Recently, the National Police has alerted through its official Twitter account about the acquaintance scamwhich has been used in the Zuckerberg-owned app for some time.

Specifically, the scammers write to the user pretending to be a person they know, but without telling them who they are or offering any information. They just send a loving message and let the user’s imagination do the rest. If he asks, for example, if he is a friend from the past or a relative, the criminal will play the role. There are also cases in which they directly pose as the victim’s parents or children.

The goal is for the user to start blurting out details about the person they think they are talking to, and from there the criminal attempts to stretch the conversation by playing the part.

When the time comes, the scammer will ask the victim to send money, for this you can use different excusesas indicated by the Internet Security Office (OSI), dependent on the National Institute of Cybersecurity.

Among the excuses are problems with a suitcase that would have been retained at the airport, a loss of mobile or problems during a trip abroad. OSI gives an example of these cases in which the criminal pretends to be a woman’s son to get her to make a transfer that would surely end up in the criminal’s account.

Example of message within this scam


Recognizing these types of scams is not always easy. To avoid problems, it is essential that the user take precautions and try to check, as far as possible, if the person with whom they are having a conversation is really who they say they are.

In the slightest doubt, the Internet user should avoid sharing any data and, of course, making any money income. The best he can do is block the contact automatically.

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