The Police warn of a new phishing campaign that supplants the image of the Tax Agency

by time news




The National Police has warned of a new phishing campaign that supplants the image of the Tax Agency to make users believe that a tax refund is going to be made. To be able to access it, as is customary in this type of campaign, ask to click on a link to fill in personal data without any subsequent reimbursement, since the only objective is to obtain personal and bank data.

“Don’t believe, don’t click, delete,” warns the Police. Taking advantage of the tax return season, when many users are waiting for a response from the Tax Agency on the result of their return, phishing networks, increasingly sophisticated, try to deceive people with these types of messages.

The Tax Agency has also warned that it is a fraud and insists that it never requests confidential, economic or personal information, account numbers or taxpayer card numbers by email or SMS, nor does it attach annexes with information on invoices or other types of data.

“The goal of criminals is steal personal or bank details from the victimeither by referring you to a false website that supplants that of the Tax Agency or making you download files with viruses, “they reiterate.

Given that this is not the first time that this type of message has been used to deceive people, the authorities want to make citizens aware and insist on what must be done in this type of case: “Do not open messages from unknown users or have not requested, delete them directly; Do not reply in any case to these messages; caution when following links in emails even from known contacts; Caution when downloading email attachments even if they are from known contacts.

In this year alone, a dozen campaigns have been detected supplanting the Tax Agency, the most recent, in addition to the one described, was an email with a fractionation letter, which was also repeated in the month of April, several about reimbursement of taxes or on invoices available.

When faced with this type of message or email, follow the instructions of the authorities and do not click on any link.

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