The police warn of the false message from Leroy Merlin for which they can scam you

by time news


Updated at 8:45 p.m.

The world of the Internet is full of possibilities, both positive and negative, for those who navigate it. The dangers of the web They are familiar, but they are often difficult to recognize and are easily camouflaged.

Even without being inside the network, we are exposed to cyber dangers. This is what happens when we a message arrives on the mobile phone without us waiting for it and that it does not make much sense for us to receive, but that can generate doubts.

The police have recognized this afternoon one of those frauds that are carried out by SMS. In this case, the company name is used Leroy Merlinwithout them having actually sent anything.

Specifically, the message that is sent to the consumer says the following. «LEROY MERLIN: Your shipment: 341281450 could not be delivered due to an incident. info…» Both the shipping code and the link provided after the word ‘info’ are insecure, and are considered malicious. This was announced by the police on their Twitter account.

The most common is that, if you have not placed any order with the brand, you are wary of this message and ignore it. But anyone can be confused more if it is an elderly person, and click on the link innocently to see what it is about.

This type of cyber scam is called ‘Smishing’ as you have been able to read in the police tweet. The meaning of this term is as follows, according to the National Institute of Cybersecurity (incibe):

«Technique that consists of sending an SMS by a cybercriminal to a user pretending to be a legitimate entity -social network, bank, public institution, etc. –with the aim of stealing private information or making a financial charge. Generally, the message invites you to call a special rate number or access a link to a false website under a pretext.

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