The policy of big anything continues

by time news

2023-04-18 21:00:00

EDITORIAL – On Wednesday April 12, 2023, the deputies voted in the Social Affairs Committee against a bill advocating the repeal of the obligation, for caregivers, to be vaccinated against Covid.

This proposal came about following the government’s announcement that it planned to ” merely “ lift this obligation, by decree, namely “to keep the tool just in case”.

The Communists had put the subject back on the table, after heated debates last November in session during a “parliamentary niche” La France Insoumise (LFI). The presidential camp then blocked it via amendments to prevent a similar proposal from being put to the vote.

Last Wednesday, the balance of power veered again in favor of the presidential majority. It voted for this amendments to delete each article of the text of the bill.

This proposal from the communist group aimed to reverse this obligation in force for 18 months, and thus allow the rapid reinstatement of suspended professionals.

The text will nevertheless be on the menu of the Assembly on May 4, 2023, with an agenda which has been set by the communist group. And following the usual procedure, the bill will then be examined by the Senate, then referred to the Constitutional Council if it is passed.

We are therefore still very far from the official burial of this bill.

However, the symbol is already very strong when it comes to demonstrating Parliament’s submission to the executive despite the most obvious common sense.

Since the vaccine does not prevent contracting Covid and does not stop contamination, an unvaccinated caregiver is no more dangerous for others than a vaccinated caregiver, particularly concerning contamination, a central point of the stubbornness of the “ayatollahs”. of the obligation to vaccinate” to stick to their position.

However, given this observation, and since France is sorely lacking in caregivers, reintegrating caregivers who have been suspended because they have not been vaccinated is in fact necessary to make up for this lack, since, I expressly remind you here, reintegrating them does not constitute in no way a risk of increasing contamination, greater than the risk that vaccinated caregivers present.

So why such stubbornness even today, despite the fact that now even those who yesterday were the most fervent supporters of the vaccine, concede to those they called conspirators, that they were completely right on this crucial point, the non – effectiveness of the vaccine on the two medical elements required to be able to justify its use: to be effective against the contraction of the virus, and to prevent contamination?

Quite simply because it is so obvious that to admit that they were wrong on this fundamental point would be an admission of guilt.

And although they voted themselves de facto immunity (1) on the management of the Covid, their criminal liability cannot be engaged.

However, their political responsibility could be heavily sanctioned during the next elections… if they made this admission. And if he didn’t, let’s bet that the sanction vote would still be in order.

Note :

(1) An immunity that they also offered to the leaders of the laboratories that sold the vaccine.

#policy #big #continues

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