The policy of the colony is improved in the care of immigrants – mental health in difficult times

by time news

2024-07-27 12:02:44

July 27, 2024 August 2, 2024

An analysis of the lives of non-EU immigrants shows us that they continue to be treated like colonies, they receive colonial treatment. In this text I will refer to three important aspects of colonial treatment: the reduction of personal life, contempt for their culture and shameful treatment.

  1. The families and personal lives of immigrants are reduced, they are dehumanized. Thus, their families have been broken, something that cannot be tolerated for the natives, for those who have countless supplies and equipment to protect their families.

Unfortunately, in our society, those who present themselves as the greatest defenders of the family are the worst when they restrict the right to family life of immigrants. When they talk about the importance of family life, of course they only refer to their own, that of the natives.

What’s more, there is a whole legal technique that breaks family ties with family reunification that can take more than 8 years, every childhood is ruined

We are seeing how there are even city councils that think that for immigrants, being able to live as a family is a right, a reward, not a basic human right. Furthermore, this prize will be awarded to those who meet a large and growing list of the economic and cultural system of much debate, which is not long in the importance of the image and the added tourist situation: the assessment of immigrant degree of civilization. It would be difficult to find a word that is more vague and non-specific and therefore of more arbitrary evaluation.

All these attacks on family life mean the breakdown of attachment, a basic instinct in humans, but one that is not observed in immigrants. We can see the growing weakness with which we consider the issue of migration in our society. It is noticeable that the human, emotional, side of personal migration, which includes the approach of Ulysses Syndrome, is almost not noticed, but instead. Analysis is almost always in the geographic, statistical, and economic fields

  1. An insult to the culture of immigrants, considered the owner. As Edward Said pointed out in “Culture and Imperialism,” Western writers often make people from other cultures invisible in their works, to the colonized, and pointed out as an example of the character of Caliban, the black slave in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, who has no life of his own, who is not like the white character in the play.

Said also mentions a great writer like Albert Camus, who carried out many of his works in Algeria occupied by France, in which the natives are merely ornaments. Wi pointed out that even if Camus had set his novels in Paris, the result would have been the same. And it is important to note that Camus is considered a model of commitment and intellectual support, but who lives in the mental process of colonialism.

As Ashis Nandy points out, colonial rule has two levels: one level of control over the resources of the colonized countries, and the other is a symbolic level based on contempt for the colonial culture, which is the approximate location of the Sun’s civilizing mission. That’s where the idea of ​​white supremacy comes from, as a justification for colonialism.

  1. The immigrant is treated as inferior, without rights, subjected to humiliating conditions. for example in immigration detention centers or in lines, sometimes days long, to collect documents. All this reminds us of images of shameful colonial treatment.

As Frantz Fannon pointed out, fascism and its brutality in the heart of Europe seem to be terrible and unpredictable, a myth, but it is a regular regime in colonies everywhere in the world.

In “The Art of the Sanctified Man” Alberto Memmi explains how the shame with which immigrants live causes anger.

Even post-structuralist thinkers like Foucault are not free from these errors of perspective and therefore this author proposes that torture and punishment, methods of discipline, are representative of what he calls the era of anatomopolitics, as shown by the behavior Daniel has “Rebuke and Punish.” “, and then they are suppressed because the era of biopolitics comes in which power seeks control and government of human life. But actually This happens in big cities for citizens, never for migrants, as seen in the migratory baggage journey with thousands of dead and missing, or in those who died in Valla de Melilla, for example. Biopolitics is for natives in Paris or Madrid

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