The Polisario, at war with Morocco since 2020, suffers a serious humanitarian situation in its camps

by time news

The Polisario Front, which declared war on Morocco in 2020 and allocates significant resources to the war, is also facing to a serious situation in the refugee camps of Tindouf, in Algeria, to the point that land Media Luna Roja Saharaui (MLRS) He has launched an urgent appeal to donor countries so that they provide humanitarian aid to the Saharawi refugees, in order to cover the needs of a people that depends largely on foreign aid, reports Ecsaharawi.

“Given the delicate situation of the Saharawi refugees, the Saharawi Red Crescent makes an urgent appeal to donor countries, United Nations agencies, humanitarian organizations and associations of the solidarity movement with the Saharawi people to provide urgent humanitarian aid to the Saharawi refugees. “, dice the statement published by the MLRS on its Facebook page.

Expresses its “deep concern over the growing vulnerability of the situation of Saharawi refugees and the increase in malnutrition and anemia among children and women, particularly children under five years of age, a population of which more than a third suffer from chronic diseases, malnutrition and more than half of them suffer from anemia.

The Saharawi refugee camps have suffered in recent days the impact of strong rain storms that have caused serious damage. The damage was registered particularly in schools, hospitals and centers for the disabled.

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