“The political recomposition wanted by Macron also has the effect of promoting ideologies that have only a distant relationship with reality”

by time news

AWhen the campaign for the legislative elections begins, after the filing of candidacies on Friday 20 May, the absence in the electoral debate of some major issues that will mark the coming years (debt, deficits, risk of recession, employment) is obvious. eyes. Conversely, the theme of purchasing power has been overvalued for months, disconnected from all other subjects, but vigorously supported by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen.

For Emmanuel Macron, twice winner of the presidential elections of 2017 and 2022, the warning is significant: it is not enough to have, very early, predicted the death of the Socialist Party (PS) and the Republicans (LR ), then worked on the constitution of a large European, liberal and social center, to rationalize the public debate. Presented by the macronists as a guarantee of efficiency, the political recomposition in progress also has the effect of promoting strong ideologies which have only a distant relationship with reality.

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Emmanuel Macron’s initial intuition was that the two government parties which had dominated the political life of the Ve Republic would end up dying, for lack of being able to overcome their internal contradictions. “Today, the major questions that cross our times are the relationship to work, deeply upset by environmental and digital issues, new inequalities, the relationship to the world and to Europe, the protection of individual freedoms and a open society in a world of riskwrote the first-time candidate in his book Revolution (XO Editions, 2016). On each of these subjects, the left and the right are deeply divided and, therefore, prevented from acting. »

The heir to the second left

The virtual disappearance of the PS and LR is now recorded. Mined by the slings, the formation which dominated the left was hit to death in 2017, to the point that François Hollande could not even claim to compete for his succession. Clinging to the idea that it benefited from a strong local presence and that it reigned supreme over the Senate, the party which dominated the right was brutally shaken by the disastrous score recorded by Valérie Pécresse on April 10 (4 .78%) .

From the outset, Macronism has valued, by contrast, the notions of clarity in public debate and efficiency in the conduct of public policies. Conceived as an antidote to declinism, affirmed as a response to the rise of political distrust, it is based on the idea that, to hope to obtain results, politics must start from reality instead of conforming to a pre-established ideological grid. From this point of view, Emmanuel Macron is indeed the heir of the second left, which throughout the Mitterrandian mandates fought against the excesses of the common program.

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