The political-security cabinet decided to legalize nine settlements in Yosh | Dagan: “This is the way of Zionism”

by time news

In response to the murderous terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, the Ministerial Committee for National Security Affairs (the Political-Security Cabinet) unanimously decided this evening (Sunday) to regulate 9 settlements in Judea and Samaria. These settlements have existed for many years, some of them decades.

After consultation by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of National Security and the Minister of Strategic Affairs, it was agreed upon to regulate the settlements as follows:

1. Abigail
2. Partridge house
3. Givat Harel/Harah
4. Givat Arnon
5. Mitzpe Yehuda
6. The angels of peace
7. Asahel
8. Goat field
9. Morning

Also, the Supreme Planning Council in the Civil Administration will convene in the coming days to approve the construction of new housing units in existing settlements in Judea and Samaria.

The Ministerial Committee for National Security Affairs made a series of additional decisions as part of the determined fight against terrorism, including the reinforcement of police and security forces in Jerusalem, and increased operational activity of the police against instigators and supporters of terrorism.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized that the security forces will act in a targeted manner against the perpetrators of terrorism and there will be no collective punishment.

Yossi Dagan Rosh, the Samaria Regional Council, responded to the cabinet’s decision and said: “Thank you very much for a historic and dramatic decision, which restores the national honor of the people of Israel. It will bring a real deterrent to terrorism in the medium and long term and it strengthens our grip on our country.

The terrorists from the PA came to turn off the light in the Land of Israel, to scare us and keep us away from our land. The government’s decision to establish a settlement for every murdered person reflects a great light against darkness, sanctification of God against blasphemy, and national honor against the national humiliation that our barbarian enemies are trying to inflict on us.”

Dagan also said: “The proposal of the decision-makers led by Itamar Ben Gabir raises the head of the people of Israel. This is how Zionism has always been, this is how the Moshav Mishmar Hashivah was established, this is how Kibbutz Ma’ale Ha’Hamis was established.

This is the way of Zionism since time immemorial, one hand holding the sword and one hand the plow. This is a historic evening for the people of Israel, for their firm standing and the national strength of the State of Israel. I congratulate the government and look forward to the completion of the move by passing the full government decision this coming Sunday.”

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