The Political-Security Cabinet Meeting and the Palestinian Workers Issue – Updates from Israel

by time news

Political-Security Cabinet Delays Vote on Palestinian Workers Issue

The meeting of the political-security cabinet ended tonight without holding the vote on the issue of bringing Palestinian workers from Judea and Samaria to Israel. Despite receiving support from the IDF, the coordinator of operations in the territories, and the Shin Bet during the meeting, the vote was ultimately postponed.

In an interview with Gali IDF, Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich addressed the matter and expressed his concerns about bringing in Palestinian workers. “There are alternative ways to deal with the difficulty – and much more can and should be done,” he stated. “At this time, in the middle of a war, a normal country does not bring in an enemy. Money does not buy peace.”

Smotrich also emphasized the security of the citizens, stating, “The security of the citizens is above all else. According to the polls, 80 percent of the population in Judea and Samaria supports the massacre. We need to understand that this is a dangerous enemy that wants to destroy the State of Israel.”

Regarding the workforce shortage in the construction industry, Smotrich acknowledged the need for more workers and mentioned ongoing efforts to make bilateral agreements to address the issue. He estimated that by the end of January, another 10,000 workers will be brought in.

Additionally, Smotrich discussed the budget issue and expressed hope for its approval. “We worked for everything to be in the budget. It is progressing and will pass. I hope we will approve,” he said.

In conclusion, Smotrich asserted his role as the Minister of Finance for all citizens of Israel, vowing to look after everyone’s needs. “I am the Minister of Finance for all the citizens of Israel – I look after everyone’s needs, and also take care of the religious and ultra-Orthodox public and their needs,” Smotrich stated.

The decision to delay the vote on bringing in Palestinian workers reflects the ongoing debate and concerns surrounding the security and economic implications of such a move. The issue is expected to continue to be a point of contention as discussions on the matter persist.

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