the politics of the future and the politics of solidarity »

by time news

2024-03-07 04:30:11

In one decree, published on February 22 Official Journal of the French Republicthe government has just canceled exactly 10 billion euros of spending commitment authorization for the year 2024. We remember that the 2023 pension reform aimed to release approximately the same amount, but by 2030. This simple statement shows the shock represented by this unilateral, brutal and blind decision.

It is difficult, at this stage, to measure all of its effects in terms of reducing public employment, since, in many cases, the restrictions concern State operators who will be left to do so. the dirty work. Among the known information, bloodletting would, for example, concern around 5,000 jobs in education, without including educational assistants and those accompanying students with disabilities.

In contrast, the national gendarmerie and the police are not losing any jobs. Despite the communication from the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, all ministries are not in the same boat.

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Examining the programs most affected by this decree makes it possible to read the two priority targets, which concentrate at least two thirds of these “savings”: the policy of the future and the solidarity policy. I group together under the expression “politics of the future” ecology, but also education, research and youth.

A double context

While these domains are already in arrears, at least 3.92 billion euros are immediately withdrawn from them, or almost 40% of the cancellations. As for the solidarity policy, that is to say aid to the unemployed, the poor, people with disabilities, the poorly housed, residents of working-class neighborhoods, foreigners (from here and there -low) and far away (overseas), it is deprived of 2.73 billion euros, overnight.

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These drastic cuts in the state budget occur in a dual context.

Firstly, that of a recent reestablishment at European level of the stability and growth pact, the object of which, since the end of the 1990s, has been the control of public debt and the deficit. Despite the Covid parenthesis, this pact has just been extended with barely refined rules, as arbitrary as they are obsolete in the face of climate and biodiversity issues.

Then, the decree follows a downward revision of growth forecasts in France, with the expected consequence of an increase in tax revenues. As if it were an implacable syllogism, the government deduced the necessity of this austerity policy.

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#politics #future #politics #solidarity

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