The Pope explains that forgiveness is the antidote that cures the poisons of resentment

by time news

2023-09-17 02:00:00

Pope Francis concluded his reflection by invoking the intercession of Mary, the Mother of Mercy, to help us welcome God’s grace and forgive each other in a spirit of love and reconciliation.

The gospel

In his traditional Sunday Angelus, the Bishop of Rome commented on the Gospel of Matthew 18:21-35. “Peter asks Jesus: ‘Lord, how many times do I have to forgive the offenses my brother does to me? Up to seven times?’ (v. 21).”

“Seven, in the Bible, is a number that indicates plenitude, and therefore Peter is very generous in the assumptions of his question. But Jesus goes further and answers: ‘I am not telling you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. ‘ (v. 22). That is, he tells him that when he forgives it is not calculated, that it is okay to forgive everything and always! Precisely as God does with us, and as he who administers God’s forgiveness is called to do: forgive always”.

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