The pope suffers from a respiratory infection and will remain hospitalized for a few days

by time news

Pope Francis suffers respiratory infection “which will require a few days of medical treatment adequate hospital”, as reported by the Vatican press office after he was admitted to the Agostino Gemelli hospital in Rome on Wednesday afternoon.

“In recent days, Pope Francis had been afflicted with some breathing difficulties and this afternoon he went to the A. Gemelli Polyclinic to undergo medical check-ups“adds the note.

The 86-year-old pope has undergone a chest CT scan and other medical tests, and his state of health does not worry after the resultsaccording to Italian media.

The result of the chest tomography carried out on the pontiff has been negative regarding any presumed heart problem, a point that has been “appreciated with general relief” by people close to the pope. Respiratory tests have also been carried out, which have not given cause for concern, according to the Italian agency ANSA. In addition, “the saturation of the blood is correct,” he adds.

Chest pain and breathing problems

according to the newspaper Corriere della Serathe pope would have begun to feel “chest pain and breathing problems” Immediately after the general audience held in Saint Peter’s Square and, when he was already at his residence in Casa Santa Marta, he was advised to go to the cardiology service of the Roman hospital to have some check-ups.

The Pope had scheduled an interview this Wednesday afternoon for a RAI public television program that has had to be canceled and, for the moment, also the agenda for the next two days has been canceled.

Pope Francis, during a meeting with members of Caritas, in the Vatican

Francis was operated on in this Roman hospital on July 4, 2021 due to diverticula in the colon and was discharged after 10 days followed by a slow recovery.

Since then, the pope has only suffered a problem in the right knee that forces him to walk with a cane or in a wheelchair and has assured on several occasions that he does not want to operate.

During the morning of this Wednesday, Francisco held the general audience and He has been seen in good health and without problems. Next Sunday the Palm Sunday Mass is scheduled.

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