The popular mayor of Seville incorporates the candidate of Adelante Andalucía as adviser for depressed neighborhoods | Spain

by time news

2023-06-30 15:19:35

In the midst of a succession of government pacts and agreements between PP and Vox, the new mayor of Seville, the popular José Antonio Sanz, has surprised by signing the former Adelante Andalucía candidate for mayor of the Andalusian capital, Sandra Heredia, as technical adviser for the municipal area of ​​Neighborhoods of Preferential Attention and Social Rights, a department created by the councilor to meet the needs of three of the poorest neighborhoods in Spain: Polígono Sur, Los Pajaritos and Torreblanca. Heredia has circumscribed her incorporation to her professional profile, disassociating herself from any ties with conservative training. “No, I am not going to work for the PP, I am going to work as a technician in social services in discriminated neighborhoods in Seville. Anyone who knows me through my profession knows that I have been working on projects in neighborhoods completely forgotten by the institutions for many years, I come to work”, has stated through his Twitter account.

Both from the consistory and from the formation led by Teresa Rodríguez, they circumscribe this incorporation into the professional experience of the Seville exedil as an expert in insertion and social attention, disassociating it from any political or ideological motivation.

“She has been recruited for her experience and professionalism in the field of social services. Why can’t a person of another ideology come here”, say municipal sources who insist that, during the electoral campaign, the current mayor already stressed that “his project was open to all” and that his priority was “the social reinforcement and preferential attention” to the poorest neighborhoods of Seville.

José Ignacio García, parliamentary spokesman for Adelante Andalucía, has also specified that the incorporation of his party partner to the Seville City Council, advanced by El Confidencial, “has no political connection with Adelante Andalucía. It is a personal and individual matter for Sandra linked to her professional career”, he pointed out. García has insisted that since its formation they will continue to attack “the neoliberal policies of the PP” in social matters.

Heredia has defended herself from criticism for her decision to accept the popular mayor’s proposal, appealing to her “professionalism” and making it clear that she will continue to be linked to Adelante Andalucía. “My social commitment will continue to be just as strong and you will continue to see me in the mobilizations against unfair policies wherever they come from.” In another message, she acknowledges that her new task “is not going to be easy” and she distances herself from popular politics. “I know that it has not been a priority of the PP, the needs and the reality that the working-class neighborhoods of our city live. I will contribute my professionalism to what I have been working on all my life”.

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The Adelante Andalucía candidate has a diploma in Business and Tourism Activities and has two master’s degrees, in Sociology and Political Science and in Gender Studies and Professional Development. Until entering the City Council as a councilor for Adelante Sevilla -the confluence led by Unidas Podemos- she worked as a labor insertion technician in a program for pending employment of the Junta de Andalucía developed in Fakali, the federation of associations of Roma Women, a a group with which she has been deeply involved during the past term, in which she has also continued to carry out orientation activities at the IES Romero Murube, in the Tres Mil neighborhood, as she recalled during the campaign for the municipal elections . This newspaper has tried to contact the exedil, without success.

The rupture between Unidas Podemos and Teresa Rodríguez in the Andalusian Chamber, where she and the members of Anticapitalistas were expelled from the parliamentary group and declared defectors, also reached the municipal group, from which Heredia was expelled while remaining an independent councillor. In these municipal elections she ran as head of the Adelante Andalucía list, after the attempt to get all the parties to the left of the PSOE to run together, without getting representation, failed.

#popular #mayor #Seville #incorporates #candidate #Adelante #Andalucía #adviser #depressed #neighborhoods #Spain

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