The population of the Baltic sturgeon is restored in Germany (photo) | Germany Information and Travel Tips | DW

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Brandenburg ● A miniature Baltic sturgeon (officially called Atlantic sturgeon) lies in the palm of a scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries (IGB). During the day, about 2,000 Baltic sturgeon fry were released into the Oder River in eastern Germany, which were bred and raised in the federal states of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. They are used to form the basis of a long-term self-sustaining population on the Oder.

Scientists from Germany and other Baltic countries have been working together for a decade and a half to return sturgeon to large tributaries of the Baltic Sea, releasing fry into rivers flowing into the Baltic. 100 years ago, there were spawning grounds for adult fish in the Baltic Sea, which can grow up to 5 meters in length and weigh up to 800 kilograms. The Baltic (or Atlantic) sturgeon, which lived in the Baltic and North Seas, off the European Atlantic coast, in the Adriatic Sea, in the western and southern parts of the Black Sea, is the largest representative of the sturgeon genus in Eurasia. Only the white sturgeon that lives off the Pacific coast of North America is larger than it.

Woman releases Baltic sturgeon fry into the Oder

Since 2006, 2.4 million Baltic sturgeon fry have been released into the Oder. It is extremely difficult to revive the population. The fact is that the ability to reproduce in males of sturgeon appears at the age of 10-12 years, and in females – at the age of 14-18 years. So the first spawning of sturgeons released 15 years ago is expected in 2021. Financial and technical support for the Brandenburg reintroduction program is provided by the Brandenburg Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK) with a grant from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

Schoolchildren are shown a dummy of an adult sturgeon

In this photo, scientists and ecologists tell Brandenburg schoolchildren about a project to revive valuable fish in the Baltic Sea and show them a dummy of an adult sturgeon. Moreover, this is not the largest sample. The fish can grow to much larger sizes.

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