2024-04-09 08:05:51
The initiative seeks to allow channels to broadcast programming for people over 18 years of age starting at 9:00 p.m.
From the National Television Association (Anatel) They approved the idea he proposed modify the schedule for those over 18 years of age on open television channels.
The initiative was presented by the president of the National Television Council (CNTV), Mauricio Muñoz, who proposed advance the schedule from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
In this way, if the initiative is approved, the measure could begin to take effect in signals such as Channel 13, Mega, Chilevisión, TVN, TV+, La Red and Telecanal.
Anatel speaks out for change of schedule for those over 18 years of age on TV
As stated The Mercury, the president of Anatel, Pablo Vidalexpressed his gratitude for “the openness of the CNTV to analyze this issue, and also the opinion of other expert views such as the Ombudsman for Children.”
“This policy operates in two senses. On the one hand, there is the regulation of television channels and, on the other, the suggestion to the family. The schedule is just a recommendation, the family and parents must take charge of what the children see,” he explained.
For his part, the executive director of Channel 13, Maximiliano Luksic, stated that this is an initiative that “is worth reviewing, reconciling freedom of expression with due care for children.”
Meanwhile, since TVN They explained that it is a measure that must be discussed: “Understanding that today this audience, in particular, uses digital platforms that are not regulated.”
Finally, the managers of Chilevision They saw the positive side of the idea, stating that “The possible opening of an extra hour in prime time becomes an opportunity for the industry”.