The Power of Ice Cream: Calming Frustration and Anger in Dementia Patients

by time news

2023-09-26 09:36:19
Title: Ice Cream: A Sweet Remedy to Alleviate Frustration in Dementia Patients

Subtitle: Expert provides tips for caregivers on managing anger and annoyance in individuals with dementia

By Juliane Gutmann

September 26, 2023, 9:36 a.m

Split – Dealing with patients suffering from dementia can be a challenging task, especially when they exhibit frustration, anger, and annoyance due to their deteriorating mental condition. However, a surprising solution has emerged – ice cream. According to educator and care specialist, Luciana Cramer, ice cream has proven to be an effective remedy for alleviating negative emotions in individuals with dementia.

In her article titled “The Power of Ice Cream,” featured in the publication “Caregiver,” produced by the Alzheimer’s Association, Cramer shares valuable tips on how to manage and cope with the emotional outbursts commonly seen in dementia patients. The loss of memories and struggles with everyday tasks often lead to overwhelming situations, triggering frustration, and making it difficult for the patients to control their reactions.

Cramer highlights the importance of providing reassurance and support to individuals with dementia. Words like “Everything is OK,” “I’m here with you, I’ll help you, I love you,” can have a profound impact on calming their emotions. Moreover, she emphasizes the significance of ice cream in evoking positive memories and emotions.

“Ice cream takes people with dementia back to happier times, warmer times, when the treat was shared with friends and loved ones on special, joyful occasions,” says Cramer. She explains that the instant calming effect of ice cream, with even just a single spoonful, erases negative emotions associated with frustration and stimulates pleasure receptors in the brain. It serves as a powerful balm, allowing patients to temporarily escape their current challenges and find solace in the familiar taste and experiences of the past.

Cramer’s advice comes as a beacon of hope for caregivers who often find themselves struggling to manage the emotional rollercoaster faced by dementia patients. Ice cream presents a simple, yet effective way to bring moments of joy and comfort to those suffering from the debilitating effects of dementia.

It is crucial to note that this article provides general information and is not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment, or medication. Individuals seeking medical advice should consult a healthcare professional.

In conclusion, the “Power of Ice Cream” offers a refreshing perspective on dementia care. While uncertainties and fears may give rise to anger and frustration in patients, ice cream acts as a sweet remedy, transporting them to happier and comforting times. With the support and understanding of caregivers, individuals with dementia can find solace in these moments and experience a temporary respite from their challenging realities.]
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