The Power of Jimmie Åkesson: How He Became Sweden’s Most Powerful Politician

by time news

Title: Jimmie Åkesson’s Power Thrives on Ulf Kristersson’s Weakness, Leading to SD’s Rise in Swedish Politics

Subtitle: Instead, he got his best time

Byline: Lena Mellin

[Stockholm, Sweden] – One year since Ulf Kristersson (M) was elected prime minister, the Sweden Democrats’ (SD) Jimmie Åkesson has emerged as the most powerful politician in Sweden. The SD leader owes his newfound success to the weaknesses of Ulf Kristersson, allowing him to enjoy his best year to date.

Through the minority coalition with Ulf Kristersson’s (M) government, Åkesson has solidified the Sweden Democrats as a dominant political force in Swedish politics. The party’s influence has become indispensable, leaving no major political decision unaffected by their involvement.

Åkesson’s power stems from Kristersson’s vulnerability, with the government’s approval rating standing at a meager 29 percent. Without Åkesson’s 20.5 percent voter support, Kristersson would not even be in a position to be the Prime Minister.

The escalating gang violence in the country has played into Åkesson’s hands, with crime, punishment, and integration becoming hot-button issues that resonate with the public. Meanwhile, the economic crisis has given SD an opportunity to position themselves as advocates for the common citizen by championing policies such as reduced taxes on fuel, record reductions in regulations, and eliminated taxes on certain products.

By remaining outside the government, the Sweden Democrats have managed to reap the benefits without bearing the burden of responsibility. They can effectively influence policymaking by leveraging the Tidö Agreement while avoiding the tarnishing effects of controversial decisions, such as the handling of the NATO application.

To maintain their influence, Åkesson and the SD have made adjustments to some of their foreign policy positions. Opposition to the EU has been toned down, and they have reversed their stance on NATO from strong opposition to supporting membership. In return for their cooperation, the party has not paid a heavy price.

Surprisingly, Åkesson’s popularity has not been significantly affected by his newfound power. His trust rating remains similar to that of last year, while Ulf Kristersson has experienced a decline in support. However, in terms of party sympathies, the two parties are currently neck and neck.

The past year has been the best in Jimmie Åkesson’s political career, rivaling the year when he led the Sweden Democrats into the Riksdag. His position of power and ability to govern through his influence have bolstered his standing both within his party and among the Swedish electorate.

When asked about his future as party leader, Åkesson hinted that he might consider stepping down if the election result failed to deliver significant influence for his party. However, for now, he appears content with the momentum he has achieved and harbors aspirations for SD to become a governing party after the 2026 election.

In other news, various events have also made headlines in Sweden. The decision to ban petrol and diesel cars in parts of Stockholm starting next New Year’s Eve to combat air pollution; sabotage of the Nordstream gas pipeline for the second time in just over a year, prompting concerns and alerting NATO; and repercussions faced by over a quarter of the country’s librarians who have received criticism and threats over the books they display or provide, particularly those on racism and htbqi topics.

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Lena Mellin
Senior Political Correspondent
Email: [email protected]

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