The power of unconditional friendship to reach the First Division

by time news

2023-06-15 17:20:27

They say that who has a friend has a treasure. I Roger Brugué ‘Brugui’ and Eric Pimentel ‘Pime’ are the clear example of this expression. The connection the two have friends altempordanesos is so strong, that they are able to put themselves in the skin of the other at every moment. They are intimate. inseparable Despite the fact that they are almost 500 kilometers apart for much of the season because Brugui lives in Valencia i in Pime to Santa Llogaia d’Alguema. This Saturday, however, they will meet again in what will surely be one of the nights that will remain forever in their memories. It is possible to fulfill the great desire that both of them had since they met when they were boys at the Peralada: to be a soccer player First Division. Brugui will play the final del play-off promotion against Alabès with Llevant (9:00 p.m.) and, if they manage to go up, Pime will also have made his dream come true.

“Being in Primera is ours lifelong dream. Since we were little, we have always agreed that if one day one of us were to get there, we would prefer it to be just one because that way the other could accompany him on the way and he would enjoy it as if he were there too he arrived For me it is so. If Brugui goes up this Saturday, I will have done it too», reveals Pime.

Eric Pimentel and Roger Brugué, when they played for Peralada. DdG

The Figueres striker remembers with a smile how his friendship with Brugui began. “Football brought us together. let’s go start playing at Peraladaon which my father trained us (Jose Pimentel), and we immediately hit it off. He came to my house, I to his… When we were children we went to Figueres and, except that sometimes we were separated because Brugui is a year older than me (1996 and 1997), we the entire base stage together until I left as a teenager and he stayed in Vilatenim”, he explains.

Taking into account that the two are strikers and very competitive, some years they had started brawls to see who was able to score more goals in the same season. “It was mostly youth. We played in Preferent, he in Figueres youth A and I in Girona youth B. It seems to me that I was the one who scored the most goals, although really, and not because I look at it with very good eyes, I think it has always been better than me in everything: individual quality, intelligence, understanding the game, mentality… Especially the latter. Apart from having conditions, it is where it is thanks to the mentality amazing that he has I really enjoy watching their matches,” he says.

Eric Pimentel and Roger Brugué meet on a day off without football. DdG

Pime reviews the numerous obstacles that the player has had to overcome Bascara: “He has faced many adversities throughout his career. At the townhe disgustinghe levant… When he joined Llevant (he signed for the Granota club in the summer of 2021) they left him without a card and yield to Mirandés, where he didn’t play much at first. But then he entered the field for a few minutes and scored. Nothing stops him. This year has passed five months injured and it’s back stronger than ever. In the second leg of the first qualifier against theAlbacete (3-0)made one doubled to sentence the passage of the Levant to the final. He has a lot of confidence in him and has a mentality of resilience that I admire I wish I was able to apply it in football and in life in general… It is an example to follow».

90 minutes from glory

after thetied with Mendizorrotza (0-0)Levante must decide the final this Saturday at City of Valencia. Those of Javi Calleja another draw would be enough if the game went to extra time because they finished the regular season in third position, ahead of Alabès, fourth, but it will be better if they don’t rely on it and go for the win from the first minute. Brugui knows it and will go with everything to try to beat Antonio Sivera’s goal.

Pime and Brugui greet each other on the grass of the City of Valencia on a match day. DdG

It will be easier with Pime’s support. “I will be there. We have always been together in the important moments and this time will be no different. The bond between us is so strong that my parents will also come to the final. We are like germans. My parents take care of him like a son and his parents take care of me, too. when we are both in theAlt Emporda, we are inseparable”, he says. The white-and-blue forward comments that “during the season it is more complicated for me to accompany him because most days Figueres’ matches coincide with his, but at least I have a free weekend or I I can combine it, I go to see him and try to be by his side». “He likes it, it is important that it is there. In two weekends I did more than 1,500 kilometers, between Albacete and Vitoria-Gasteiz, and things have gone well”, he points out. At the same time, he expresses that “in the stadiums we have like a gesture or a greeting and we know where the other is”: “If he scores a goal, he knows where to look to celebrate it. His partner also always accompanies us (Dawn Peak)».

Unlike the other parties, Pime acknowledges that “I am suffering a lot in the play-off». “Normally, we comment on them. But this time we try not to do it too much and talk about other things. Is 90 minutes away from being a First Division player, or not. He is very fat. It even needs to be said. Is all or nothing to be in Primera» he exclaims.

Apart from Pime’s unconditional support, Brugui will have extra luck because the friend has given him his amulet: “For us it is very special. I bought it in Rome and gave it to him for the play-off. He always has it in mind.” And he adds: “Only as children we wanted to be in Primera and now it’s about to happen. If he succeeds, may he do so, we will both have fulfilled the dream». The power of unconditional friendship will help them.

#power #unconditional #friendship #reach #Division

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