the powerful Pikachu counter deck without EX cards

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The first ‍introduction‌ of ‍new cards in Pocket Pokémon generates an ​evolution‍ of ⁢one of the most unexpected decks. Mankey⁢ and Primeape generate a combo on their own so far non-existent, and ​are bug killers compared to many Pokémon EX. ‌ An option born from ‌the Lapras EX event which works much more than a ​counter ⁣to Pikachu.

The five ⁢new cards from the Lapras EX event They have the most unexpected surprise in Mankey. With‍ all eyes on the ‍discovery of new ‍aquatic Pokémon, the first generation of the primate brings with it a new surprise attack.

Mankey’s promotional card available in pink envelopes at‌ the Lapras event is different from the one that exists ⁣to date. This new ‌version does 30 damage with one energy, but takes 10 damage,⁤ and with only 50⁤ life points it can have a rough time at ‍first. Mankey’s biggest problem is surviving after the first attack, but if he does he ⁤becomes a giant​ killer.

It’s because ⁢the ⁤ability to⁤ do so Primeape must do 60 damage + 40 if he has any damage. This generates a 100 attack on the‌ second turn, a real madness that added ⁣to the ‍30 of the first attack kills ⁤many‌ particularly powerful Pokémon. Zapdos or Pikachu fall instantlybut others like Moltres also do it with the extra Giovanni.

The deck runs with only Hitmonlee as a partner ‌to finish Mankey’s job if necessary, everything else is support.⁤ Amber is perhaps the‍ most surprising‌ card in the deck, but it is essential in countering Sabrina.

Mankey’s ⁤deck is, surprisingly, one of the most effective ⁢against Pikachu.

The advantages ‌of the deck are total in the first turns, due to the speed‍ in inflicting damage and the decrease in EX rivals who need more time. And‍ it still​ is two ⁢fundamental problemsif it doesn’t appear Primewater fast ​the game is particularly difficult. There is no alternative if evolution ⁢does not appear, therefore‌ it is a necessity.

The second dilemma is against⁤ very aggressive decks‍ with extra damage on turn one. If Farfetch appears, ​Mankey falls from an attack if he has already attacked before, ⁣which ruins the combo and chances of​ winning. The deck is made to⁤ work in the first turns, if it doesn’t it loses a lot of effectiveness.

This option with Mankey and Primeape is a nice relief towards the goal to give you⁤ a different perspective. As with the deck of Muk, Weezing and Kouga killing Mewtwo in a single turnthis is a natural evolution to kill top tier meta decks as soon as⁤ possible.

It’s hard to imagine what the next version of all this might be because the second set is coming to Pokémon ​Pocket at ‌the end of January. If events introduce small variations with playable possibilities in the meantime, there is a lot to scratch ‌from‌ in ⁣the digital card game.


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Interview between Editor and Pokémon Card Expert Editor: Welcome, and thank you for joining us today! With the⁤ recent buzz around⁤ the new cards introduced in Pocket Pokémon, especially the powerful duo of Mankey and Primeape,‌ we’re excited to dive ⁤into this evolution. What prompted the design of this surprising‌ combo?

Pokémon Card Expert: Thank you for having me! The design ​team often seeks to create synergies that challenge the meta. Mankey and Primeape ​weren’t expected to be star players, but after analyzing gameplay dynamics, they recognized an opportunity for creating ‌a fast-paced deck that takes down heavier hitters. This ‌combo was born, ‍particularly⁤ inspired by feedback during the Lapras EX event.

Editor: That’s intriguing! You mentioned‌ the Lapras EX event – how did it contribute to the emergence of ⁤this new strategy?

Expert: The Lapras EX event highlighted‍ a need for‌ a counter⁤ against some of the‍ stronger Pokémon EX like‌ Pikachu and Zapdos. Players were looking for something ​unexpected, and Mankey’s ability to deal damage quickly, even at the cost of its own hit points, becomes a strategic risk that can pay off big time. ‍It’s all about surprising your opponent before they can counter ‍effectively.

Editor: Speaking of Mankey’s abilities, it‌ sounds like it poses a real risk-reward situation. How balanced is that mechanic?

Expert: Mankey’s promotional card indeed brings ​that balance into play. With only 50 life​ points, surviving after the first attack is a⁣ considerable challenge. But if you can manage that, Mankey evolves into a formidable opponent, especially⁣ when paired with Primeape. That potential to deal 100 damage on the second turn can flip a ​game ⁤on its head.

Editor: So, ⁤incorporating Primeape is essential⁢ for ​this deck’s success. How does Hitmonlee fit⁢ into this strategy?

Expert: Hitmonlee serves as an⁤ insurance policy.⁣ If Mankey can set up a strong attack but needs backup, Hitmonlee comes in to ⁣finish the job. The deck is built for speed and aggression, which is why Amber joins as a vital support⁣ card, particularly against players using ‍Sabrina. It’s about creating opportunities to capitalize on early missteps by⁤ your opponent.

Editor: ⁢ Given the ⁣strategic advantages of speed and damage output,​ how do you ​foresee this deck performing against‌ the current top-tier Pokémon?

Expert: The early-game aggression makes this deck particularly effective against decks that rely⁢ on slow setup, particularly EX Pokémon that need time to establish their strategy. ‍Opponents like Pikachu‌ or even stronger contenders like Moltres can find themselves at a disadvantage if Mankey and Primeape get going fast enough.

Editor: It sounds like we might see a shake-up in‍ competitive play‌ with this new Mankey-focused strategy. What advice‌ would you give players looking to ⁤adopt this⁣ deck into their gameplay?

Expert: I’d⁤ recommend practicing your timing and understanding the risk-reward mechanics. Mankey’s durability is tenuous, so⁢ there’s ​a real emphasis on⁤ predicting your opponent’s moves. Focus on speed during the early turns, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks when you feel the momentum shifting ⁢in your favor.

Editor: Thank you for your insights! It​ seems like Pocket Pokémon is evolving in exciting ⁢ways with these new strategies. We⁣ look ⁢forward to seeing ⁣how this development influences the competitive scene.

Expert: Thank you! It’s an exciting time for Pokémon card enthusiasts, and‍ I’m eager to⁤ see how players adapt to these new strategies in the ongoing‍ battles.

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