The PP accused Sánchez of agreeing to “break the common stock to buy power”

by time news

2024-07-31 12:58:22

This Wednesday, the PP called the proposal of education received by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, as a “non-balance sheet” of a “non-government.”

Secretary General of the PP, Kuca Gamarra, has remembered that the political process begins with forgiveness and ends with agreement to “burst common stock to buy power.”

As Gamarra remembers, the training started with Podemos cursing the judges since it was the Government that intimidated them in the investigation they were doing to their family and their group; with a State attorney general “asked” and ends with him “on the brink of indictment” in addition to a La Moncloa Palace that is the residence of the head of the Executive and ends up changing into “coworking.” In his response to the “unbalanced book” of Sánchez, he also pointed out that “fewer laws are approved than open judicial files for the investigation of corruption in his family, government and party.” In short: the lesson ends with more “inequality, more corruption”, “The twilight of the end of which Pedro Sánchez finds himself, no matter how he resists giving power.”

Gamarra has insisted that the President of the Government has made a “non-balanced book”, a summary of the legislature of a president who “does not rule” since, in fact, what is in the head of a “A personal platform to stay in power, which is paid daily with inequality”. Therefore, it is thought that this is one of the reasons that “he has not been able to explain to the fraud that is killing him, or he can not talk about the blocked Executive, who has had more votes than he received “while regretting at the same time that he had not spoken about the “great damage” he was causing in the State’s coffers with his endless transfers to the separatist parties”, with his effort, now, bursting the common financial system for “his determination for the power and assurance of Illa at the head of the Generalitat.” And, ““If you bought the investment with the delivery of the negligence to get the investment, now you decide to buy of Illa with the money of all the Spanish citizens.”

Sánchez also spoke about the economy, but as popular, “it is not the real Spain, which does not travel in the Falcon” so, Gamara insists, “we are in front of the parliament of injustice” which shows that every day. “There are more people who are at risk of poverty”, people who cannot make a living meeting “while Sánchez has the resources to protect himself, at any cost.”

The secretary general insists that this is it parliament where inequality increases, which shows that “Spain is not doing well.”

And the data showed at the end of the political process that 22.7% could not have air power or could not go on vacation for even one week; “A social reality” that the country suffers from “a president who only loves to die in La Moncloa,” he insisted. “With these data you cannot boast about the social reality of our country, Not to mention that Spain is going like a rocket.

Gamarra has warned that, as Pedro Sánchez “deceived” the Junts “it is fraud or allow you to deceive” after the main opposition party warned that “it cannot escape the rule of law”, now that it decides the investment of Illa, a common tax fraud, also “will deceive the ERC, although they may participate in the fraud itself.” However, he assured that From the PP “we will not allow the common model that we have all given ourselves to break, which is supported within the framework of the law, which all local leaders protect” a system in which “there is little more of us are protected.”

The ERC will submit the agreement with the PSC to consultation in the coming days, while the general secretary of the PP points out, on the contrary, how the socialists “They don’t have the courage to vote in their group because there is nothing less socialist and less progressive than trying to break the common currency.”

Gamarra showed that “it is not only the selfishness of the separatists but also of Sánchez” and has invited socialists like Emiliano García-Page – who has already said that he will not accept – and others like Javier Lambán, who “isn’t.” enough” and He thought his MPs not to vote for him when he came to the House of Assembly. “What will they do if they leave this with legislative reforms? What will happen to the autonomous regions of our country? Sánchez has said that he defends with “enthusiasm”, however, “cannot explain it to the Spanish people” because “nothing less than support, injustice and inequality” wherever we live.

In response to the words of Sánchez who has confirmed that he has not received lessons in anything, Gamarra has responded with that “he should listen more to those of us who gave him lessons on principles, which it is shared even by those who have not voted for us” and He assured that PP will continue to protect those values. “It is not only something that the PP defends through our leaders, but it is also something that the socialist parties are doing within the different regions of Spain.”. It seems clear, he said “On Pedro Sánchez’s side of the wall, there are fewer and fewer people.” “Sánchez has come alone as another independent and has turned the PSOE into Sánchez’s party.”

The PP defends that another Spain is possible where the basis of social justice is maintained, which they defend from the side of Feijóo. He accused the PSOE that, while talking “every day about social justice, it is the first to break.” “The PSOE is no longer socialist, nor is it the workers, nor is it Spanish, it is a party in the service of its ambition, it only cares about itself and will buy the independents at any cost.”

While Sánchez breaks equality, “the autonomous governments of the PP have worked to guarantee it, which explains that there are possibilities and we will defend it together.” Again, the PP has asked for a Conference of Presidents, which Sánchez does not want to convene, which forces the presidents to go to the courts, a complaint that TS has already accepted for doing. “We hope that the non-balance sheet will be the last that is not this government.”

We have seen “a President who tries to survive at any cost, providing equality for all Spaniards.” Now he decided to send equality to the Spanish people through the Illa research” because access to public services is what is at stake.

#accused #Sánchez #agreeing #break #common #stock #buy #power

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