The PP applies a sanitary cordon to EH Bildu and prevents him from winning the mayoralty of Vitoria and four other municipalities | Municipal elections 28M | Spain

by time news

2023-06-17 11:51:20

The mayoress of Vitoria, the socialist Maider Etxebarria, after taking office in plenary this Saturday.Iñaki Berasaluce (Europa Press)

Vitoria and Durango (Bizkaia) are the two most significant examples of the strategy deployed by the PP in the Basque Country to block the way for EH Bildu to the mayoralties in the municipalities where the coalition a patriot It was the force with the most votes in the municipal elections of 28-M. The popular ones have delivered their votes to the PSOE and the PNV this Saturday, without asking for anything in return, to allow the socialist Maider Etxebarria to be invested as the first mayor of Vitoria and the peneuvista Mireia Elkoroiribe to recover command in Durango. It is a support”free age with love”, as the leader of the popular Basques, Carlos Iturgaiz, announced after the elections. The popular cordon sanitaire has also prevented the separatists from seizing power in the Álava towns of Oyón, Kuartango and Zigoitia.

Where the votes of the PP were decisive in deciding the sign of a city council, the popular ediles have not trembled and have opted to boycott the sovereignists. In this way, the PNV and the Socialists have benefited, who had already sealed an agreement between the two to extend a stability pact in all the consistories to share out the mayoralties where they had a majority. The PP has been decisive in Vitoria to prevent the most voted candidacy, headed by Rocío Vitero (EH Bildu), from taking control.

Los abertzales, with seven representatives, had secured the support of the two seats from Elkarrekin Podemos, but they have been insufficient compared to those received by the socialist Etxebarria, who has been voted for by the six councilors of her party, as many from the PNV and also the six of the PP. Although it was enough for them to give up two votes, the PP has chosen to vote en bloc for the socialist candidate.

The same line of action has been followed by the PP in Durango, one of the most populated municipalities in Bizkaia. Four years ago EH Bildu ousted the PNV (then first force). This time the tables have turned thanks to the vote of the sole representative of the PP for the peneuvista candidate. Arnaldo Otegi, the leader of EH Bildu, has been warning since the last municipal elections that the PNV and the PSE were crossing a “red line” by benefiting from the support of the popular. “They have incorporated the PP-Vox into the equation” to evict Bildu, which represents “a substantial change,” according to the pro-independence leader.

Durango was a square with great symbolism for the PP. This formation has recovered the mayor who had lost four years ago. In the electoral list, headed by Carlos García, he had included Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, chief of staff of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, before former president Aznar, in last place and Daniel Portero, president of Dignidad, in tenth place. and Justice. The only PP councilor in this town has tipped the balance in favor of the PNV and awarded the mayoralty to Mireia Elkoroiribe, which has been celebrated as the “beginning of a new stage of freedom and democracy” in Durango. The plenary session has ended and Rodríguez has stated that he wanted to attend the investiture plenary session because he did not want to miss “the party” of “removing Bildu, the enemies of Spain, from the most important institution that governed.”

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Most of the mayoralties in the Basque Country were decided before the investiture plenary sessions held this Saturday. In 184 of the 251 municipalities there are absolute majorities that give Bildu a large municipal implantation after the electoral advance obtained on 28-M. In the rest, agreements have been closed to reissue the stability pact that the PNV and the PSE have signed, and the alliance that Bildu has established with Elkarrekin Podemos. In other cases, neighborhood groups have tipped the balance in favor of Bildu or the PNV.

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