The PP candidate in Durango will declare on 29-M about ETA’s harassment of politicians

by time news

2023-05-24 10:13:28

The PP candidate in Durango, Carlos Garciawill testify as a witness in the National Court next Monday, hours after the appointment with the polls, to testify to the harassment to which ETA subjected José María Pedrosa, who was also a councilor in the Vizcaya town, assassinated by the terrorist group on 4 June 2000, one of the 379 murders still without a known perpetrator.

Judge Alejandro Abascal has also summoned, also as witnesses, Juan Jose Gastanazatorrenumber 3 on the list of the popular in Durango (with which the PP intends to unseat EH Bildu from the Mayor’s Office), and José Urquizu, son of the lieutenant colonel of the Health Corps Jose Maria Urquizumurdered in Durango on September 13, 1980, in the pharmacy that the family ran in the municipality.

After accepting a Dignity and Justice (D&J) complaint for processing, Abascal investigates ten former ETA chiefs for murder, coercion and terrorist threats for this attack, behind which the magistrate appreciates a “continued, indiscriminate and persistent terror strategy”.

The proximity of the electoral call has made the association that presides Daniel Porter (who also appears symbolically on the Durango list), taking into account the status of candidates of two of the three witnesses whose subpoena he prompted, has requested the investigator -in a letter to which this newspaper has had access- that delay the appearances a couple of hours (originally scheduled for ten in the morning), so that “they can have time to travel on Monday morning” to Madrid.

The councilor’s funeral: “ETA kill them”

Precisely on the 18th, Carlos García -who decided to enter politics after the kidnapping and murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco- recalled in the pages of LA RAZÓN how the murder of Jesús Mari Pedrosa affected him. “It was very hard. When we watched him in the plenary hall of Durango, in the street some shouted, in the silence of the night: “ETA kill them”“. That day, he assured, the “hate” of the pro-ETA radicals towards the PP politicians was recorded in him. “In memory of Pedrosa I am going to be able to enter the City Hall”, assured the candidate in his effort to evict EH Bildu of the Consistory.

In the resolution in which DyJ’s complaint was admitted for processing, the judge of the National Court argued that the attack against Pedrosa was not only a terrorist assassination, since it also entailed “an amplification and reinforcement of that terrorist threat, forming part of the of this strategy of continued terror and not punctual, indiscriminate and persistent, until the year 2011”.

A strategy, he pointed out, with which “not only does the life of the specific person end”, but also “feeds that climate of threat created with the intention of lasting over time“It was precisely this climate of threats that the PP councilor – from whom ETA unsuccessfully demanded the payment of the revolutionary tax – had to suffer so that he would leave the Basque Country before finally being assassinated, as revealed in the complaint by the Dignity and Justice lawyer Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Arias.

Ten ex-chiefs of ETA investigated

Abascal keeps Ignacio Gracia Arregui, “Iñaki de Rentería” under investigation in this procedure; Javier García Gaztelu, “Txapote”; Juan Antonio Olarra Guridi; Ainhoa ​​Mugica; Asier Oyarzabal; Juan Carlos Iglesias Chouzas, “Gaddafi”; Mikel Albisu, “Mikel Antza”; Vicente Goicoechea; Ramón Sagarzazu and María Soledad Iparraguirre, “Anboto”.

Dignity and Justice stated in its complaint that Pedrosa’s murder was carried out due to his “civic and heroic resistance to leaving the Basque Country” after a “long campaign of coercion and terrorist threats.” For the victims’ association, it was about an “instrumental or exemplary” crime whose objective was to intimidate “many other persecuted people that ETA also wanted to expel” from the Basque Country. Not in vain, according to data from the Basque Institute of Criminology, between 60,000 and 200,000 people were forced to take that step due to harassment by ETA and the pro-ETAR environment (5 to 10% of the population).

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