“The PP cannot govern Spain against Euskadi and Catalonia”

by time news

2023-09-02 19:22:37

Rafa López defended in laSexta Xplica that “the best and most intelligent defense that the PP can do against the amnesty is to take what the PSOE said a few months ago”, after which he stressed that “the independence movement, which its maximum objective was to leave Spain, is now the greatest guarantor of the governability of Spain”. “I don’t know if this is a victory for Spain or for the independence movement. I don’t know why victories always turn into defeat. I believe that today in Catalonia and the Basque Country it is much better,” she said.

In this sense, López expressed that “this country has advanced based on ‘betrayals’.” “Is the Basque Country better now than in 2010, when ETA existed? Well, progress was made thanks to what some described as ‘betrayal’, which was talking, agreeing and trying to get the end of ETA, and it was achieved. Is Catalonia better than in 2017? Well, progress has been made based on betrayals,” he said.

For the sociologist, “there is no progressive majority in Congress, but there is a majority for the advancement of territorial progress, and whoever does not understand it that way will not have a place.” “The PP has to reflect. It cannot govern this country against Euskadi and Catalonia, because they continue to form part of Spain and Spain cannot be governed against two such important autonomous communities,” Rafa López settled.

#govern #Spain #Euskadi #Catalonia

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