The PP gives Armengol 48 hours to activate the mechanisms to call a control session for the Government

by time news

2023-10-25 17:27:06

The PP gives an ultimatum to the president of Congress Francina Armengol to gather the Board of Spokespersons and call a control session of the Government. The popular ones reproach that Armengol, on the instructions of Pedro Sánchez, has left the Lower House inactive and demand that the Executive submit to the control of the Lower House and that the President of the Government and some ministers appear to give explanations on current issues: For this reason, they have submitted a letter so that within 48 hours a date will be set for the holding of the Board of Spokespersons and a meeting of this body will be called in a week. If you do not do so, the PP will adopt “the actions that correspond by law.”

“The PP considers that the most basic norms of parliamentary control are being violated,” defend the popular ones, who criticize that, since August 17, only two plenary sessions have been held in Congress: for the Reform of the Congress Regulations and for the investiture debate of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

In this sense, the popular ones demand that Sánchez appear to report on the European Council of October 17, as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, and the head of the Interior, Grande Marlaska, to report on the crisis in the East. Environment and the migratory crisis, respectively. To set these appearances, it is essential that the Board of Spokespersons be convened and, therefore, they demand that it be convened within 48 hours.

The PP has an absolute majority in the Senate and there it has more room for maneuver: in fact, two ordinary plenary sessions have already been held to debate and vote on current issues. In addition, they have now registered Marlaska’s request to appear for the same reason as in Congress and that of Minister Ione Belarra “in relation to the repercussions of global tensions on the application of the 2030 Agenda and its impact on the achievement of the sustainable development goals”. These two requests are added to the one presented on October 10 for Albares to report on the situation of Spaniards affected by the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

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