The PP warns: the PSOE will be mortgaged if it agrees with independentists

by time news

2023-10-14 15:31:33

“The most complicated thing will not be the investiture but the governance that may satisfy Sánchez, Ortegi and Puigdemont, but it will not provide an answer to the problems that the country has”

In the middle of the negotiations that the PSOE is carrying out with the independentists in order to remain installed in power, the PP has put the emphasis this Saturday in the endless mortgage that Pedro Sánchez intends to sign if you want to achieve a stable legislature.

“The least difficult thing that the acting President of the Government faces is the investiture, the truly The governance of the country will be complicated“This was stated this Saturday by Borja Sémper, deputy secretary of Culture and Open Society of the PP.

“How does it intend to govern when its partners, on whom governability rests, have particular interests and none of them converge in the interest of Spain? Does anyone believe that Junts has and Bildu have any interest in the governability of Spain?” .

The Basque popular deputy has stressed: “Here we are not talking about a pact only of investiture or a pact of governability, but of a confluence of particular interests that come together to resolve them; not of interests aimed at solving the problems of all Spaniards such as, for example, housing or taxation, which is truly worrying.

All of this will mean that the ‘debts’ or demands will increase and become greater and greater, so that they will never feel completely satisfied with the hypothetical concessions of Sanchismo in terms of the amnesty, the increase in powers, etc

“This investiture process and the future governance of the country, probably satisfy Sánchez, Otegi and Puigdemont, but it will not give any answer to the problems that the country has,” he explained.

It is unprecedented to hear Bildu say in the morning that Spain is not a Democracy and that the PSOE is the quicklime party and in the afternoon hug Sánchez and give him their votes

Regarding Sánchez’s image with EH Bildu, he has described it as historic because “for the first time in the history of Spanish Democracy, a President of the Government shakes hands and reaches an understanding with Bildu.”

Sémper has taken advantage of the occasion to emphasize the inconsistency not only of Sánchez, who are in the public domain, but from the abertzale coalition “It is unprecedented to see Bildu say in the morning that Spain is not a Democracy, that the PSOE is the quicklime party and in the afternoon hug Sánchez and give him their votes.”

#warns #PSOE #mortgaged #agrees #independentists

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