the PP would win the elections and increase in intention to vote together with the PSOE compared to January

by time news

He political board seems pretty settled in this election year based on the results of the barometer of Sigma Dos for Antena 3 News. He PP continues to be the party that would result in the most votes if it were held hypothetical elections at this time with 31.6% support, 0.5 points more than in January. He PSOE it would remain 6.4 points away with 25.2% of the votes, having risen 4 tenths in voting intentions.

Of the 4 main parties in the parliamentary arc, half worsen in voting intention with respect to the previous month except the PP. So that, United We Can it fell in February from 10.2% to 9.4% and Vox from 15.2% to 14.6%, although it maintains the third position in the ranking.

The survey of Sigma Dos for Antena 3 Noticias was carried out between February 16 and 22 in the midst of the open wound between the government partners over the proposal to reform the ‘law of only yes is yes of the socialists. If we transfer to the language of seats these percentages and taking into account that the absolute majority in Congress is fixed at the 176 deputies, those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo still need the support of Santiago Abascal to rule.

The party led by Feijóo would obtain a range of 136 to 138 seats while the PSOE would sign between 97 and 99 representatives. Vox would have between 42 and 44 deputies and Unidas Podemos between 20 and 22. The sum of the maximums of the left-wing parties would not be an option to avoid Feijóo’s legislature.

Seats based on the intention to vote, according to the Sigma Dos barometer for February | Antenna 3 News

Political situation

The perception of the political situation in Spaina is mostly negative among those surveyed, although it continues to improve if we compare it with the previous months. This question had its turning point during the month of December 2022 when 61.9% of those asked answered that it was bad. In January of this year, 57.7% considered that it was negative and in February it was 55.4% who expressed themselves in this regard.

Compared with the valuation of February last year, the negative assessment has fallen by nearly 15 percentage points and in the last quarter it returns to data similar to November 2022. Men are somewhat more critical (59.8%) than women (51.3%). By age, the segment between 45 and 64 years is the most critical of the country’s political situation (58.5%). According to vote recall, there are notable differences. Vox (86.0%) and PP (85.2%) voters are the most reluctant.

Ideological positioning, according to the Sigma Dos barometer for February

Ideological positioning, according to the Sigma Dos barometer for February | Antenna 3 News

Valuation of political parties

As has been customary, no political party passes the exam of the participants. With a 3.7 note, the PSOE would be the best valued, followed by the PP that is left with one tenth less. Ciudadanos has the lowest rating (2.4) followed by Vox (2.6). The only party that maintains an improvement in the last three months in its valuation, among its previous voters, is the PSOE.

Rating political leaders

The exam of the leaders has not been approved either and although The best valued continues to be one more month the second vice president Yolanda Díaz With a 3.8, the Galician’s score worsens compared to the previous month in which she obtained a 3.9. Sánchez’s rating also drops from 3.6 to 3.5 in February. This tenth makes Feijóo snatch second place, not because her score goes up but because it maintains that of the previous month, a 3.6.

Assessment of political leaders, according to the Sigma Dos barometer of February

Assessment of political leaders, according to the Sigma Dos barometer for February | Antenna 3 News

Prospects for the elections

Asking respondents which party they think will win the next elections 4 out of 10 (41.3%) bet on the party led by Núñez Feijóo, while 28.4% do so for the PSOE. It should be noted that between electorate who voted for the PSOE in the last elections, 28.2% believe that the PP is the party that would win the next elections and 51.0% believe that the winner would be the PSOE. Practically all PP voters (84.1%) believe that their party will be the winner.

The current leader of the opposition, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is the one who receives the most support (23.9%) in terms of who would be the best president of the Government. In second position is the current President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez (18.4%), followed by the Second Vice President, Yolanda Díaz (15.8%).

Winning game, according to the Sigma Dos barometer for February

Winning match, according to the Sigma Dos barometer for February | Antenna 3 News

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