the prefect of police will requisition agents

by time news

Photo d’illustration. CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT

Despite the refusal of the mayor of Paris, the prefect of police announced to Anne Hidalgo on Wednesday evening his intention to requisition municipal agents from the capital to collect the waste.

The prefect of police, Laurent Nuñez, will requisition municipal agents to collect the waste of the capital, learned AFP confirming information from the Parisian . The PS mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo had indicated earlier in the evening that she “would not respond“At the request of the police headquarters to requisition the garbage collectors of the city to limit the effects of their strike against the pension reform, she wrote in a letter sent to AFP. Employees who refuse their requisition risk six months’ imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 euros.

“Question of public health”

As garbage continues to accumulate in the capital on the tenth day of the strike, with 7,600 tonnes not collected, the government and the town hall, which supports the social movement, blame each other for this situation “catastrophicaccording to the town hall.

In the Senate, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin had affirmed that if the town hall did not proceed with requisitions, the prefect of police of Paris would proceed with requisitions “tonight or at the latest tomorrow“, because it is a “public health issue». «It is paradoxical that the State asks the local authorities to solve a problem that it has itself created when the requisition is, by right, a competence of the State“, writes Anne Hidalgo to the prefect of police Laurent Nunez.

«The claim of the garbage collectors of the City of Paris, who legitimately wish not to work two more years, and who are mobilizing to oppose it, is just“, Considers the elected socialist. “The only response likely to appease the current climate is to engage in social dialogue rather than deliver a showdown by proceeding with the requisitions that you are calling for.“, she adds.

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