The prefect seizes the administrative court after the “civil disobedience workshops” of Alternatiba

by time news

The anger of the prefect of Vienne has still not subsided. The latter seized this Friday the administrative court of Poitiers (Vienne), after the city of Poitiers and Grand Poitiers Urban Community (GPCU) decided to maintain the subsidies allocated to the Alternatiba association, on the occasion of the “Village of Alternatives” which was held on September 17 and 18.

This association, which mobilizes “for the defense of the climate and social justice”, had organized during these two days “civil disobedience workshops”, as part of the “Resistance” village led by Extinction Rébellion, Greenpeace and Bassines non merci .

Support from the ecologist mayor Léonore Moncond’huy

“The prefect had informed the mayor of Poitiers as well as the president of Grand Poitiers”, as of September 12, “that the subsidization of civil disobedience workshops on the occasion of this event was incompatible with the republican contract of engagement which must be subscribed by any association benefiting from public subsidies. »

On September 30, the community council of Grand Poitiers had nevertheless refused to initiate the procedure for withdrawing the subsidy of 5,000 euros awarded to Alternatiba. On October 3, the municipal council of the city of Poitiers, led by the ecologist mayor Léonore Moncond’huy, had similarly refused to initiate this procedure. The prefect is now seizing the administrative court to examine these two deliberations, with a view to cancellation.

If this workshop of “civil disobedience” had shocked the prefect of Vienne, Jean-Marie Girier, Léonore Moncond’huy and the community of Grand Poitiers, had for their part shown their support for the association. Questioned by France Bleu, the president of Alternatiba, then maintained that this initiative remained “non-violent”, while a member of the XR association detailed the principles of pacifist demonstrations, and detailed “her rights and duties in the face of the police. »

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