The President of the Republic should sanction the generals involved in illegal mining in Katanga

by time news

2023-07-31 15:51:42

Maître Tshiswaka Masoka Hubert

The racketeering of the military suffocates Justice, exposes whistleblowers, victims and witnesses to the risk of revenge.

Lubumbashi, July 30, 2023.

The Human Rights Research Institute (IRDH) calls on President Felix Tshisekedi, supreme magistrate, to put an end to the networks of copper ore thefts in the provinces of Haut-Katanga and Lualaba, and demands clarification on the fire from the house of the provincial Minister of the Interior, Eric Muta Ndala. The refusal to instruct or exculpate accused or denounced FARDC generals and intelligence officers creates a cruel danger for victims, witnesses and human rights defenders who denounce reprehensible acts.

In fact, the Military Justice does not investigate the case of the theft of 120 tons of copper from the mining company Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM). This denial of justice can be observed, despite the formal complaint filed by the carrier MAJ LOGISTICS LTD, with the Lubumbashi Higher Auditor and the public denunciation stating the direct involvement of the generals of the 22nd Military Region, officers from the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) and the provincial Minister of the Interior, Eric Muta.

Ironically, after the theft case was publicized on July 10, the provincial minister announced, via social media, that he had “taken a vacation” abroad. And, curiously, on July 28, his house was set on fire by “unknown people”. (Fire quickly brought under control).

On the military side, General John Tshibangu would be sent to Lubumbashi to cross-check the allegations of theft of copper cathodes made against General Smith Gihanga Mutara, commander of the 22nd Military Region.

There too, oddly, General Gihanga, in a letter dated July 10, indicates to his superiors that Brigadier General John Tshibangu is rather going to Kolwezi from where he is asking him (him General Gihanga) and Madam the Governor of the province of Lualaba, in order to release “partners of his son”, three Chinese and a Lebanese arrested for illicit exploitation of the uranium and “highly strategic” mine of Kasompe.

In what seems like a reaction against investigations directed against him, General Smith Gihanga reveals the existence of mafia networks of thieves and illegal industrial operators, financed by Chinese and Lebanese, secured by soldiers from the Second Zone of Defense of General Pacifique Masunzu, officers of the Congolese National Police (PNC), as well as magistrates of the Military Prosecutor’s Office.

As a recommendation, IRDH calls on the Head of State and Supreme Magistrate to:

Put an end to the general racketeering of generals who oppose each other; Investigate the origins of funding for illicit mining, Chinese and Lebanese mafia networks; Entrust the continuation of the investigations into the theft of 120 tons of copper from TFM to the Auditor General of the High Military Court, since the Superior Auditor of Lubumbashi is called into question by one of the accused generals; Instruct the Governor of the Province of Haut-Katanga to elucidate the burning of the house of the Provincial Minister of the Interior, Mr. Eric MUTA and the degree of his involvement in the theft of copper cathodes.

Maître Hubert Tshiswaka Masoka
Director General of IRDH
Phone: +243851103409 | Email: [email protected]



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#President #Republic #sanction #generals #involved #illegal #mining #Katanga

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