The president of the Valencian Courts, from Vox, does not pose next to the banner against the sexist crime of Antella

by time news

2023-07-10 17:53:56

The new president of the Valencian Parliament, María de los Llanos, from Vox, has once again starred in a protest image against the definition of “sexist violence”. The concentration has been called by her with the aim of paying tribute to the woman allegedly murdered at the hands of her husband in the municipality of Antella.

The Vox candidate, together with her parliamentary group, have decided to move away from the poster because for them it is about “domestic violence” and not “macho violence”, as it was written on the banner. The event occurred last Sunday around 5:00 p.m. and the alleged perpetrator of the murder, after taking the life of his wife, slit his own throat.

three minutes of silence

The act has been carried out after the call of María de los Llanos herself, in which she condemned the murder of the woman. “Following the indications of the Presidency of the Corts Valencianes, a concentration of 3 minutes of silence is called in front of the Palau dels Borja, today, July 10, at 12:00 p.m., to condemn the murder of a woman that occurred in Antella this weekend.”

Representatives of the different political parties were present at the event: deputies from the PP, the PSPV and Compromís. The candidates of the three parties have posed next to the poster with the slogan ‘Les Corts contra la violència masclista’. The surprise has jumped when the Vox candidates have placed themselves on one side of it, which has provoked criticism from the PSPV and Compromís.

Criticism of the rest of the parties

The acting vice-president and deputy spokesperson for Compromís, Aitana Mas, has described the response of Santiago Abascal’s party as “incomprehensible” and has highlighted the importance that the highest representatives of the Consell “also understand that gender violence is fought from the institutions”.

The PSPV has demanded by means of a letter to María de los Llanos that she comply with the pact against gender violence “without nuances” and that when “the minutes of silence are called, it should be stated in the call that it is to condemn a case of sexist violence “.

It’s not the first time

Ana Vega, candidate for Vox in Valencia, explained that the fact that they show up on one side of the banner “is an issue that has already been overcome” because they have done so for the last four years and has stressed that “all the Violence exerted against any person has to be considered in the same way”.

Two years ago, several Vox deputies refused to observe a minute of silence in memory of the victims of gender violence called by the Equality Commission.

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