the president wants to “immediately” stop the judicial reform

by time news

While Israel is widely divided on the judicial reform project, Isaac Herzog, the country’s president, wants to stop the legislative work.

By VP with AFP

> le processus legislatif, a declare Isaac Herzog.
” title=”<< Au nom de l'unite du peuple d'Israel [...] je vous appelle a stopper immediatement >> le processus legislatif, a clearly Isaac Herzog “/>
“In the name of the unity of the people of Israel […] I call on you to immediately stop” the legislative process, declared Isaac Herzog.

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Le message is launched. Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Monday called on the government to “immediately” halt legislative work on the country-dividing judicial reform bill. “We witnessed very difficult scenes last night,” said the president in a press release published by his services. “The whole nation is in deep concern. Our security, our economy and our society are all threatened”, adds the president, who solemnly appeals “to the Prime Minister, to the members of the government and to those of the majority”.

“All the people of Israel are watching you. All the Jewish people are watching you. The whole world is watching you”, adds Isaac Herzog, whose repeated calls to find a compromise solution on the reform have so far been without effect and have not prevented the country from slipping little by little into crisis.

“In the name of the unity of the people of Israel […] I call on you to immediately stop” the legislative process, added the leader who plays an essentially ceremonial role.

READ ALSOIsrael: the protest intensifies, the government remains inflexible

A historic popular movement

Sunday evening, thousands of people took to the streets in Tel Aviv after the dismissal by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of his Minister of Defense, in favor of a pause in the judicial reform that the government wants to pass in Parliament.

The reform project proposed by the government of Binyamin Netanyahu, one of the most right-wing in the history of Israel, aims to increase the power of elected officials over that of judges.

Contested in the street for almost three months, he is at the origin of one of the greatest popular mobilization movements in the history of Israel. Critics of the reform believe that it risks jeopardizing the democratic character of the State of Israel.

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