the presidential candidates passed their grand oral

by time news

The great pre-election oral on the question of disability was held on Wednesday March 23 at the Maison de la Radio in Paris.

Two presidential candidates came – Anne Hidalgo and Marine Le Pen -, seven sent representatives: Adrien Quatennens for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Michelle Demessine representing Fabien Roussel, Philippe Mouiller for Valérie Pécresse, Laurence Trochu spokesperson for Eric Zemmour and finally Sophie Cluzel Secretary of State of the Macron government in charge of disabled people. They presented their responses on employment and disabled adult allowance (AAH).

France now has 12 million people with disabilities. But if the unemployment rate has improved for the working population as a whole, it remains twice as high for this category.

Five hundred questions from Internet users

In the latest study by Adapt (Association for the social and professional integration of people with disabilities) published on February 17, 37% of people with disabilities say they have been discriminated against when looking for a job, compared to only 16% for the whole population. “France talks a lot about an inclusive society. But it remains very theoretical. introduced Eric Blanchet, the president of Adapt.

Of the five hundred questions from Internet users collected before the opening of the session, many related to financial resources. Adults with disabilities come up against two major pitfalls in their professional careers: failure by companies to respect the quota of 6% employment obligation for people with disabilities, and the conditions for granting the allowance for disabled adults paid according to household income.

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In successive speeches, the issue of disability seemed to be a priority for all presidential candidates, but philosophies change. For the Unsubmissive, the “logical is to move from a policy of supply to governance by needs”which would result in more means and more “means of control”. “In our Constitution, employment is a right (…). We need to put an end to the disengagement of the State. »

The National Rally addresses the subject of disability in terms of the fight against discrimination and advocates the example of the State. “The place we give to disability reveals our humanity (…). I will enshrine in the Constitution the principle of non-discrimination of disability,” said Marine Le Pen.

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